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Foreign workers -- United States -- Statistics


View Resource International Mobility of Scientists and Engineers to the United States - Brain Drain or Brain Circulation?

This National Science Foundation issue brief examines the destination of foreign born scientists and engineers who study in the United States. The brief presents figures for the distribution among US education, industry, and government employers; stay rate; and percentages of scientists and engineers with firm plans, as well as offers, to remain in the US.
View Resource Statistical Profiles of Foreign Doctoral Recipients in Science and Engineering: Plans to Stay in the United States

This National Science Foundation publication (available in HTML or .pdf) provides text, figures, and tables (.xls format) summarizing the 1988-96 trend of foreign students who planned to stay in the United States after graduation. The report notes that stay rates for foreign students "are not static; they are influenced by US immigration policy, the number and quality of job opportunities in the...