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Electron microscopy -- United States.


View Resource Dennis Kunkel's Microscopy Inc. Stock Photography and Education Web Site

Ever wanted to look a fruit fly in the eye or get a detailed view of a mosquito's piercing blades? Dr. Dennis Kunkel (formerly of the Pacific Biomedical Research Center at the University of Hawaii) provides a collection of digitally colorized photomicrographic images of insects, plants, cells, and bacteria taken with a scanning electron microscope, a transmission electron micrograph, or a light...
View Resource National Center for Electron Microscopy

The National Center for Electron Microscopy (NCEM), funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, supports research carried out by visiting national and international scientists. As part of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Berkeley, California, they provide access to several of the world's most advanced microscopes and tools for microcharacterization of materials. Photos and descriptions of their...