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Election law -- United States


Campaign Finance Reform

The 1996 US election, which took in more than $260 million in soft money alone, was the most expensive in the nation's history. Long time advocates of campaign finance reform have rallied behind the revised McCain-Feingold proposal which, among other reforms, would ban soft money. However, recent Senate hearings have revealed that the bill does not have the necessary support to pass. The majority...
Campaign Finance Reform: A Sourcebook

This book, provided by the Brookings Institution, "combines reprints of key documents shaping the statutory and administrative framework for campaign finance regulation with original essays that guide readers over an exceedingly complex legal terrain." It discusses the history and current state of campaign finance law, constitutional restrictions, political action committees, soft money, issue...

Produced and maintained by the Election Reform Information Project, the Electiononline website details the latest news surrounding various issues surrounding election reform, whether its "absentee ballots or touchscreen machines, legislation or commission reports.” While most visitors may not be surprised that their headquarters are in Washington, DC, they will certainly be pleasantly surprised to...
Elections: Status and Use of Federal Voting Equipment Standards

Even as many in the United States are focused on the threat of biological terrorism, some are turning their attention to last year's national crisis -- election difficulties and reform. Four reports, released this week by the General Accounting Office (GAO), give a wealth of information on how elections are currently conducted in the United States, what contributed toward votes going uncounted in...
Presidential Elections and the Electoral College: The Proceedings of the Electoral Commission of 1877

This Website from the Library of Congress features materials drawn from the American Memory's A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation: US Congressional Documents and Debates 1774-1873 (see the March 20, 1998 Scout Report). Links are provided to substantial search results from the parent site for key events and topics, such as contested elections, electoral votes, the President-elect, the...