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Science television programs

Great Britain. (2)
United States. (6)


BBC Science Programmes: Human Senses

This BBC Web site is absolutely packed with interactive features and cool facts about human senses. Created as the online companion to a recently-aired BBC science documentary series, this Web site offers a fun way to explore the five senses and the human brain. A set of quirky tests help visitors determine whether they are supertasters, learn about their personalities via the foods they crave, or...

Even though EXPLO.TV sounds like an edgy punk website, it's actually the video component of the Exploratorium: Museum of Science, Art and Human Perception in San Francisco. This website has some excellent ways to learn about science--such as webcasts, podcasts, and video clips. "Upcoming Webcasts" is featured on the homepage, and there are a number of fine webcasts here. Because the webcasts are...
Life Changing Science

The Australian Broadcasting Company recently aired Life Changing Science, "a four-part series examining innovations that have transformed our lives." This companion Web site offers fantastic interactive features to go along with each of the four radio broadcasts. Three of the four interactive "labs" focused on the life sciences. They include Virtual Open Heart Surgery, in which users can conduct a...