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Ethics -- Study and teaching


Environmental Ethics

Dr. Ron Epstein of San Francisco State University has compiled this comprehensive online source of information on environmental ethics. The site is simply presented, consisting of a straightforward menu of topics that link mostly to related external Web pages. Topics covered include environmental effects of war, genetic engineering, cloning, indigenous peoples, and much more. While some of the...
Ethics CORE

The Ethics CORE Digital Library, funded by the National Science Foundation, "brings together information on best practices in research, ethics instruction and responding to ethical problems that arise in research and professional life." It's a remarkable site where visitors can make their way through ethics resources for dozens of different professions and activities. The Resources by Discipline...
Ethics Education Library

Based at the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), the Ethics Education Library seeks "to connect people interested in developing new and interesting ethics training methods and programs, to disseminate best practices and tools that have already been developed, and to ultimately foster the creation of new methods and programs for teaching students about ethical issues inherent in research and...
Ethics Videos on the Web

Given the constant barrage of rather trite material available from most major media outlets, the recent discovery of this fine site is a welcome breath of fresh air. Developed by Professor Lawrence M. Hinman as part of his Ethics Updates site (which has been online since 1994), this part of his main site is dedicated to providing high-quality lectures and discussions from prominent philosophers...
MIT OpenCourseWare: Ethics

This OpenCourseWare offering from MIT begins fittingly, with an architectural detail of Libra the Scales from the Autun Cathedral in France. This course was originally taught in the fall of 2009 by Professor Julia Markovits, and the course is a seminar on "classic and contemporary work on central topics in ethics." Some of the questions addressed by these materials include "What makes our actions...
Online Curriculum for Science and Engineering Ethics

Created with funds provided by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the International Dimensions of Ethics Education in Science & Engineering (IDEESE) at the University of Massachusetts Amherst provides high-quality online and classroom-based materials for science and engineering disciplines. This site allows users to access a set of different curricula, complete with cases and related resources...
Undergraduate Research Ethics Cases

How do you help undergraduate students learn about research ethics? Well you might try the three case studies developed by the University of Delaware's Undergraduate Science Education Program and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute designed to help students learn about this important subject. On this site, visitors will find the following studies: "Tripped Up," "Helping Hand," and "Organic...