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International cooperation -- Periodicals


EIOP: European Integration Online Papers

The European Community Studies Association Austria provides this new working paper archive to house peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary working papers in the field of European integration research, including legal studies, political science, economics, and history. At present eleven papers are available, including "Democracy and Governance in the European Union," "The Economic Consequences of a Large...
IGCC: Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation

The Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation (IGCC) Gopher Server offers a wide selection of information about or published by the University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation, a multicampus research unit of all nine UC campuses plus the Lawrence Livermore and Los Alamos National Laboratories. It includes interntational relations, environmental, security, and economics...
Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation

Since 1983, the University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation (IGCC) has worked on research which looks "into the causes of international conflict and cooperation." The Institute draws on scholars from around the University of California system, and they also have a number of visiting scholars from different parts of the world. On their homepage, visitors will notice four...

Started in the 1970s as an agency to assist men and women in gaining access to a variety of birth control methods, PATH has since expanded its focus to provide "sustainable, culturally relevant [health] solutions, enabling communities worldwide to break longstanding cycles of poor health." The PATH website has more than a dozen videos and slideshows available to visitors at the "Our Multimedia"...
Report of the Secretary-General on the Work of the Organization

Submitted to the United Nations (UN) General Assembly on August 31 by Secretary General Kofi Annan, this annual report reviews the organization's activities in 1998. The report discusses such topics as humanitarian relief and disaster prevention, peacekeeping and security, sustainable development and the fight against poverty, the challenges of globalization, and human rights. The Report of the...
UN Chronicle

As the United Nations' scope is quite global, one can expect that the issues and topics covered in their fine publication, the UN Chronicle, will be compelling material for persons interested in global policy issues and other such heady matters. On their rather full homepage, visitors can look up articles via a search engine, or by theme. For those who would rather look through the complete issue...