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Accessibility Unlocked

Accessibility Unlocked has three primary goals. First, to create a community and network for disabled developers. Second, to curate resources that explore the local challenges and opportunities within Australia and New Zealand. And third, to further accessibility success by connecting abled and disabled developers. In short, the team works to broaden "the profile, awareness, connections, and...
Atrevida: Game Programming Tutorials

Although it is labeled as an introduction to PC game programming, the tutorials given on Atrevida additionally cover many aspects of mathematics and general computer science. A modest background in the C language is suggested, but many of the sections involve more theory than actual programming. There are nearly twenty topics that explain basic computer operation, graphics programming, and the...
Tetris is Hard, Even to Approximate

Although the Tetris video game may not seem like a normal topic of study for three MIT researchers, it served as the basis for an interesting paper that the group submitted to two conferences, as well as attracting the attention of news publications like Science News and Scientific American. The paper, which mathematically proves the computational complexity of the game, can be downloaded from...