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Political corruption -- United States.


American Radio Works: Power Trips

Under rules enacted in 1995, members of Congress are effectively banned from accepting any gift worth more than $50, though as this latest investigative radio series from the American RadioWorks team demonstrates, it would appear that members of the House or Senate are still taking many trips at no cost. Working in tandem with a group of graduate students at Northwestern University's Medill School...
Deep Throat Uncovered

Last week at a conference held at the legendary Watergate complex in Washington DC, Professor Bill Gaines of the University of Illinois announced that, after four years, he and his journalism students had concluded that Fred Fielding (former assistant to President Nixon) was the legendary "Deep Throat" who provided information about the Watergate break-in that led to the downfall of President...
Final Report of the Independent Counsel In Re: Alphonso Michael (Mike) Espy

Former Secretary of Agriculture Alphonso Michael Espy was investigated for allegations originating in 1994 of possible violation of federal criminal law by accepting gifts from organizations or individuals with business pending before the US Department of Agriculture. In a final report released October 25, 2001 and now available online, investigators from the Office of Independent Council Donald...
Rep. James Traficant Found Guilty on All Charges

Rep. James A. Traficant Jr., the often blustery congressman who insisted on defending himself against what he called "a government vendetta," was convicted Thursday of federal corruption charges. An Ohio Democrat in his ninth term, Traficant was found guilty on all of the 10 charges he faced, including racketeering, bribery, fraud, filing false tax returns, receiving gifts and free labor from... Watergate 25

The Washington Post commemorates the twenty-fifth anniversary of its most famous story with a site featuring a timeline of the Watergate scandal that contains links to full text selections of original articles. It also offers short biographies of the twenty key players in the Nixon administration and the investigation, some speculations on the true identity of the still unidentified informer "Deep...