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(2 classifications) (5 resources)

Middle East -- Antiquities

Collection and preservation. (1)
Study and teaching (1)


Ancient Near East and the Mediterranean World

Sponsored by the University of Chicago Library and funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, this online project contains numerous primary materials related to the study of the ancient Near East and covers topics ranging from archaeology; art history; language; law; and the religions of Sumer, Babylonia, Assyria, Egypt, Nubia, and Persia. Currently, the project includes full-text...
Electronic Tools and Ancient Near Eastern Archives

A number of interesting digital projects have recently been sponsored by the National Science Foundation, and the Electronic Tools and Ancient Near Eastern Archives (ETANA) is one such project. With the support and primary documents of a number of important institutions, such as the Society of Biblical Literature and Case Western Reserve University, the mission of ETANA is to "develop and maintain...
From Jesus to Christ: The First Christians

The subject of religion is fascinating and, at times, controversial. Fortunately for those with an interest in such matters, Frontline has taken on the subject of the first Christians in this meditative work. The documentary features New Testament theologians, archaeologists, and historians who serve as both "critics and storytellers." It makes for compelling viewing, and it also includes pictures...
Iraq: The Cradle of Civilization at Risk

As of late, there has been great consternation about the future of antiquities and archaeological expeditions within Iraq, largely due to political upheaval and military conflict in the area. With that in mind, the H-Museum mailing list has assembled a host of materials gleaned from their own discussion boards and scholarly resources that will help give visitors some sense of the breadth and...
The Collections - Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah

Regarded by experts as one of a handful of the most comprehensive collections of Islamic art in the world, the al-Sabah holdings in Kuwait feature 20,000 objects from geographically and chronologically diverse locations. Nine categories - Metals, Ceramics, Glass, Ivory & Wood, Jewelry & Hardstone, Numismatics, Rugs & Textiles, Manuscripts & Calligraphy, and Stone & Stucco - can be accessed from...