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Programming languages (Electronic computers) -- Computer network resources

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Cplusplus: The C++ Resources Network

Despite being introduced in the 1980's, the C++ programming language remains one of the most commonly used languages for a variety of applications. People who are learning the basics of C++, or more seasoned programmers who just need a refresher, can find a great deal of useful information on this Web site. An easy-to-follow tutorial, complete with detailed examples and clear explanations, is one...
Dr. Dobb's Embedded Systems

Embedded Systems is one of the specialized sites stemming from Dr. Dobb's Journal. In addition to serving as an excellent source of news and product development articles, the site is a portal to many other Internet resources on embedded system applications. Information tailored to specific programming languages, like C++, Java, and many others, is grouped into separate categories. There are also...
Lisp History

Paul Graham, who identifies himself as "an essayist, programmer, and programming language designer" has posted on his website a collection of articles on the history of Lisp, a programming language designed by John McCarthy in the late 1950s. The articles discuss the Roots of Lisp, What Made Lisp Different (in particular, different from Fortran) and the Evolution of Lisp, along with related...
Numerical Recipes

The Numerical Recipes books are developed by Numerical Recipes Software and published by Cambridge University Press. The website provides information on how to purchase the books, which are part of a series entitled "Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing." "Numerical Recipes" is also a copyrighted computer software included in those books and sold separately. The books and software...

Created and maintained by Carlos Ramirez, this site aims to "provide a complete and up-to-date repository of documentation available to the Perl community," including bundled POD documentation as well as documentation of all modules available at the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN). The site contains six main sections: a Perl overview, Modules, Distribution Documents, PODs, Executables,...