The Scout Report for Social Sciences - July 28, 1998

The Scout Report for Social Sciences

July 28, 1998

A Publication of the Internet Scout Project
Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison

The target audience of the new Scout Report for Social Sciences is faculty, students, staff, and librarians in the social sciences. Each biweekly issue offers a selective collection of Internet resources covering topics in the field that have been chosen by librarians and content specialists in the given area of study.

The Scout Report for Social Sciences is also provided via email once every two weeks. Subscription information is included at the bottom of each issue.

In This Issue
* Research * New Data
* Learning Resources and General Interest * In the News
* Current Awareness

Cogprints: Cognitive Sciences Electronic Archive [.pdf, .ps]
Associated with the eLib Programme (discussed in the Scout report for September 20, 1996), this site offers hundreds of full-text scholarly papers related to the study of cognition. Users will find papers in fields such as Philosophy, Psychology, Linguistics, Biology, and Computer Science. The contents of the archive have been culled from current academic journals, conference proceedings, recent and forthcoming books and personal collections and are available in several formats (.pdf, HTML, plaint text, and postscript). An internal search engine is provided as is information on depositing work in the archive. [MD]
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Remote Sensing Archaeology Research at NASA
Remote Sensing makes use of a variety of instruments -- from aerial photography to microwave radar to Airborne Oceanographic Lidar (a laser device) -- to find traces of past civilization invisible to ordinary vision or cameras. This site, hosted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) Global Hydrology and Climate Center (GHCC), offers an overview of these procedures and their applications for archaeology. In addition to a general description of the technology involved, the site also uses three examples to demonstrate remote sensing in action. Each offers a number of annotated photographs as well as a brief bibliography of related articles. The site also features links to related sites and journals. [MD]
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Finding Aids Online Catalogue--UK Public Record Office
The UK's Public Record Office has recently begun this project, which aims to provide online access to the finding aids of selected records of the central policy-making departments of British Government since 1916. "The finding aids are encoded in SGML according to Encoded Archival Description (EAD)" and are available in both HTML and SGML versions (a plug-in is required to use the latter). Although instructions on using the finding aids are rather skimpy, users can currently search the records of three departments: the Department of Economics, the Prime Minister's Office, and HM Treasury (selected classes). [MD]
[Note: Site title has changed since the original Scout Report review. Site formerly referred to in the Scout Report as "The Core Executive Pilot Finding Aid."]
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German Law Archive [frames]
Maintained by Gerhard Dannemann of the Centre for the Advanced Study of European and Comparative Law at University of Oxford, this site features cases, literature, and bibliographies on German law. Documents contained in the archive are organized in four sections: Judgments and other decisions by German courts; Statues: Acts of Parliament and statutory instruments; Literature on German law; and Bibliographies on German law. Additional resources include an internal search engine and related links. Some of the sections are still under development, and information for potential contributors to the archive is provided. [MD]
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South Wales Coalfield Collection (SWCC)
Located at the University of Wales Swansea, the SWCC contains a variety of archival media that collectively offer insight into the experience of the South Wales Valleys, from an institutional and personal perspective. The SWCC holds trade union records, personal papers, co-operative society records, audio and video interviews and transcripts, photographs, and banners. With the exception of a few banners and photos, the collection is not available online. However, useful and comprehensive descriptions are available for most items. Users contemplating a research trip to South Wales will want to visit this site and browse the SWCC's holdings or utilize the internal search engine. [MD]
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Learning Resources and General Interest
The Adam Smith Page
Edward J. Harpham, Associate Professor of Government and Political Economy at the University of Texas at Dallas, developed this new site to promote the study of the moral, political, and economic ideas of Adam Smith. Anyone with an interest in Smith's ideas will find numerous resources of interest. Perhaps the most useful are Harpham's updated lists of new and forthcoming scholarly articles and books on Smith. Students will also benefit from the comprehensive bibliography of secondary works, brief commentaries on Smith's works, and the collection of related links. [MD]
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William Faulkner on the Web
John B. Padgett, a graduate instructor of English at the University of Mississippi in Oxford, first began this extensive compendium of Faulkneralia in 1995, quite long ago in Internet terms. However, the amount and quality of information available at this site make it almost timeless. Truly an unparalleled online resource for the study of Faulkner and his mythical Yoknapatawpha County, this site will appeal equally to scholars, teachers, students, and Faulknerphiles everywhere. In the library, users will find information on almost all of Faulkner's writings, major and minor, with numerous links to additional bibliographic and electronic resources. The most useful section of the library, and the entire site, is the excellent collection of resources for each of Faulkner's novels. These include concise commentaries, criticisms, bibliographies, comprehensive lists of characters, and numerous links to the site's Faulkner Glossary. Additional resources at this site are too numerous to list, but they include biographical information on Faulkner, Faulkner on the stage and screen, related links, and Faulkner News, a periodic newsletter written by Padgett. [MD]
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Writer's Handbook
Produced by the Writing Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, this site offers an excellent collection of concise instructional materials for university students and instructors. The Handbook consists of five sections, each of which addresses a different aspect of college-level writing. The Academic Writing section offers brief and useful guides to Writing about Literature, Research Papers, Writing Reviews, and Science Writing. Documentation Styles covers the six major styles and includes a guide to citing electronic resources. Additional guides include Peer Reviews, Grammar and Style, and Writing Letters. [MD]
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Gifts of Speech
Created by Liz Linton with the assistance of Tom Solomon and funding from Sweet Briar College, this site is dedicated to preserving speeches by contemporary influential women from around the world. The site is designed especially to offer access to the words of these women to high school and college students. The texts of speeches by over 70 women are currently available. These speeches are not edited or censored and some may not be suitable for younger students. [MD]
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The Hydra
The Hydra was produced by patients at the Craiglockhart War Hospital during the First World War. Two of Craiglockhart's most famous patients, the soldier-poets Wilfred Owen and Siegfried Sassoon, were both contributors, Owen assuming the editorship in August 1917 until his departure a little over a month later. This site features beautifully digitized facsimiles of the eighteen issues of The Hydra from Owen's personal collection that were deposited at the English Faculty Library, University of Oxford. Users can browse the issues by page or use a search service which covers the eight issues produced during Owen's stay. To gain the full potential of the search service, users will need to download a PC only plug-in, but Mac users can still search the images, albeit without full functionality. [MD]
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Working Stiff--PBS
A feature at Public Broadcasting Service's Web Lab, this site offers tales and advice from the front lines of working America. The Workplace Diaries section offers daily updates from the "Work-A-Day World." Diarists include a Northwest customer service rep, a Midwest teacher, an Illinois casino worker, and a Midwest utility worker. The Free Advice section allows users to submit workplace troubles to the site's expert problem-solver. Current Feature Articles include a guide to interoffice romance and a discussion of worker privacy in the workplace. Additional offerings at the site include a worker forum, Stress-O-Meter, and the Working Stiff Action Guide, which contains information on workplace activism. [MD]
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The Cape Cod Lighthouse Homepage
Lighthouse and vintage maritime enthusiasts will certainly enjoy this site, which features 39 different lighthouses in seven tours, each with period photos, 1903 official descriptions, and lighthouse histories. Users can also tour a few of the lightships and lighthouse tenders that served off New England and browse a collection of historic documents, including the official 1836 rules and regulations for operating and maintaining United States lighthouses. Additional resources at the site include related links, a modest bibliography, and The Beacon, "a place for lighthouse news and views." [MD]
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Current Awareness
Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research--HUD USER [.pdf]
HUD User has placed online the latest issue of Cityscape, focusing on the nation's multifamily finance system. Articles include: "The Evolution of Multifamily Financing," "Financing Multifamily Properties: A Play With New Actors and New Lines," "Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Multifamily Mortgage Market," and "Multifamily Mortgage Credit Risk: Lessons From Recent History." [MD]
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Journal of Millennial Studies [.pdf]
This new online journal is produced by the Center for Millennial Studies, an organization devoted to archiving apocalyptic literature and analyzing millenarianism. The inaugural issue contains five articles and a book review in .pdf format. These include: "Religion INK.: Tabloid Crucifiction (Whose Apocalypse? When?)," "Jewish Shock-Troops of the Apocalypse: Antichrist and the End, 1200-1600," and "The Mongols and non-believing apocalyptic friends around the year 1260." [MD]
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Research and Technological Development Activities of the European Union: 1998 Annual Report [.pdf]
The European Commission's Annual Report on research activities in 1997 offers an overview of new developments in Community research policy and research conducted during the year. The report is aimed at researchers, research organizations, and interested politicians, as well as the European Parliament and Council of Ministers. The report is currently available in English, French, and German (.pdf format). [MD]
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Conference Announcements
Designing the Digital Government of the 21st Century: A Multidisciplinary Workshop
October 5-6, 1998 Washington D.C. Hosted by the Center for Technology in Government of the University at Albany-SUNY and funded by the National Science Foundation, this workshop will focus on research topics affecting the use of technology information in government. "Workshop participants will take a 'program-centric' view of the information content and processing needs of major government functions, emphasizing the needs of program managers. A major theme will be the inter-relationships among federal, state, local, and tribal governments, and the private sector, as they play out in the development of effective systems." [MD]

Citizens and Public Administration at the Information Age: Constructing Citizen-Oriented Society for the Future
August 18-20, 1999 Tampere, Finland. This conference will discuss the role of citizens and public administration in the information society. Participants will tackle issues such as the role of citizens and public administration in the information age and how best to use modern communication technologies to create a "citizen-oriented open society for the future." The working language of the conference will be English. [MD]

INCS (Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies) Fourteenth Annual Conference
April-10, 1999 Columbus, Ohio. Proposals are invited for papers and panels on the general topic of Transatlanticisms. Possible themes for papers include: Importing/Exporting Culture; Landscapes and Tourism; Visions of America (or of Europe); Slavery and Anti-Slavery; Transatlantic Fringes; and Emigration. [MD]

(For links to additional calls for papers and conference announcements, see the Conference section of the Current Awareness Metapage:
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Job Guides/Funding Opportunities:[MD]
H-Net Job Guide

Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science

Crossroads Guide to Employment and Funding Opportunities in American Studies

(For links to additional Job Guides, see the Employment/Funding section of the Current Awareness Metapage:
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New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs:[MD]

Dana J. Johnson, Scott Pace, and C. Bryan Gabbard, "Space: Emerging Options for National Power"--RAND Corporation

Jorge G. Castaneda, "Coming to Terms with our Cold War History"--Electronic Policy Network

L. Jerome Gallagher, Megan Gallagher, Kevin Perese, Susan Schreiber, and Keith Watson, "One Year after Federal Welfare Reform: A Description of State Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Decisions as of October 1997"--Urban Institute
.pdf Version

Cindy Mann and Jocelyn Guyer, "The House Budget Resolution Threatens Health Care Programs for Low-Income Families and Elderly and Disabled People"--Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Melinda L. Schriver and Grace-Marie Arnett, "What States Can Teach Congress About Health Care Regulation"--Heritage Foundation
.pdf Version:

(For links to additional new Think Tank publications see the Think Tank Policy Papers section on the Current Awareness Metapage:
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New Tables of Contents/Abstracts for recent and forthcoming issues are available for the following Journals:[MD]
Columbia Journalism Review (full text)
Political Science Quarterly (abstracts)
Archaeology (abstracts)
Journal of Women's History
Anthropology and Medicine
History and Theory
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New Data
Patterns of Interracial Politics: Conflict and Cooperation in the City of Milwaukee, 1970-DPLS [.pdf]
This new offering from the Data and Program Library Service (DPLS) contains responses to questions on a number of issues including the quality of government in Milwaukee, racial relations, educational policies, protest activities, and the 1968 elections. Users may view the Study and Sample Design, Black Sample, White Sample, and a copy of the questionnaire. [MD]
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Title List: A Preliminary and Partial Listing of the Data Files in the National Archives and Records Administration (an Update)
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has updated their preliminary and partial listing of electronic records files in the National Archives (discussed in the February 24, 1998 Scout report for Social Sciences). These files are arranged by branch of the US government, then by Agency, and then by Record Group (R.G.). Each federal agency or major subdivision generally has its own Record Group. The Title List is current as of July 6, 1998 and contains entries for approximately 14,000 of the over 100,000 electronic records files in the custody of NARA. A copy of the entire list may be downloaded via FTP. [MD]
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State and Metropolitan Area Data Book [.pdf, 268p.]
The Census Bureau has recently released the fifth edition of the State and Metropolitan Area Data Book, which compares the nation's states and metropolitan areas in everything from banking and births to wages and welfare. Users can view a number of state and metro rankings tables in HTML or download the entire publication in .pdf format. The Data Book also serves as a guide to sources of data from the Census Bureau, other federal agencies, and private organizations. [MD]
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In the News
Famine in Sudan
US Center for Refugees (USCR) Feature Story: Crisis in Sudan
The New York Times: Famine in Sudan [RealPlayer]
Out There News: Sudan's man-made famine
CIA World Factbook: Sudan
World Food Programme Field Reports
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)$$sudan?OpenView
This week's In the News covers the famine in Sudan. These seven resources offer news, analysis, and commentary. The largest country in Africa, Sudan has been wracked by civil strife and violence since becoming an independent republic in 1956. Years of civil war have devastated the Sudanese economy and society, killing over 1.2 million since 1983 alone. Despite this tortured history, Sudan may now be facing its worst crisis. After two years of drought, bad harvests and renewed fighting, over 2.5 million people require emergency food aid and malnutrition rates exceed 60% of the population in some areas. While international relief agencies have scrambled to assist, many estimate that only about half of what is needed in terms of money and material is arriving. While the weather has played a role in the current crisis, it is also a product of the long-running conflict between the Islamic government in the north and the mainly Christian south. An attempt to institute strict Islamic law in the south in 1983 touched off a conflict between the government and numerous rebel groups in the south, most importantly the Sudan's Peoples Liberation Army (SPLA), which became a full-scale civil war by the mid-1980s. Since then some concessions have been made to the South and several peace talks were held. The present situation was touched off in February, 1998 when local warlord Kerubino Kuanyin Bol, who had been fighting for the government, rejoined the rebellion, reigniting the conflict. Two weeks ago the government and the SPLA announced a one-month cease-fire to allow aid to get through, but many aid workers believe it may be too late. The rainy season has finally arrived, one moth late, hampering communication and the transportation of much-needed food and medicine. In the meantime, Sudan has rapidly become a destination of choice for documentary news photographers eager for startling and powerful photos. Whether or not sufficient aid will arrive in their wake remains to be seen.

The USCR feature story on Sudan is an excellent place to begin learning about this topic. The site offers a history of the crisis, analysis, breaking news, and a slide show. The New York Times (available freely after registration in the US only) special report on Sudan contains current and archived articles, links to aid agencies, and a collection of photos and videos. The Out There News site features an interactive map and quote generator, an overview of Sudan's Islamic government and its rise to power, and an art gallery. ArabNet's Sudan page offers a variety of general information on Sudan's history, geography, economy, culture, and government. The CIA World Factbook Sudan entry contains overviews and key statistics on a wide variety of topics. The World Food Programme, the food aid organization of the UN, issues daily bulletins from the front lines of the famine in Sudan. The ICRC site provides recent reports and press releases on its operations in Sudan. [MD]
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The Scout Report for Social Sciences
Brought to You by the Internet Scout Project

The Scout Report for Social Sciences is published every other Tuesday by the Internet Scout Project, located in the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Department of Computer Sciences.

Susan Calcari
Jack Solock
Michael de Nie
Laura X. Payne
Managing Editor
Assistant Editor
Production Editor

Copyright Susan Calcari and the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents, 1994-1998. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of the Scout Report for Social Sciences provided the copyright notice and this paragraph is preserved on all copies. The Internet Scout Project provides information about the Internet to the US research and education community under a grant from the National Science Foundation, number NCR-9712163. The Government has certain rights in this material.

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Wisconsin - Madison or the National Science Foundation.

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