Home Page

Thank you for visiting the Computer Knowledge website. If you have visited in the past you may notice that the site is reduced in size. Because of time constraints and the fact that I’m now retired and doing other things, this reduction will continue to its ultimate end some time down the road. Thank you to all visitors for your past use of the CKnow site.

Note: Due to comment spam, comments have been turned off throughout the site.

Got Spam? If you got spam with a CKnow.com return address, please be aware that it did not come from CKnow as we are a spam-free zone. Return addresses are easy to forge and CKnow gets “joe jobbed” now and again. Nothing much we can do about it. Sorry. Just delete the messages.

No Spam

Links on this site are marked as follows: [no graphic] = an internal CKnow link; Web Link= an external link; Web Popup= Pop-up link (Javascript must be active for these to work).

Enjoy! And, hopefully, learn some things about computers with the popular pages that have been left in place.

These were the most popular pages before the transfer…