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Welcome to the Synesthesia Project site. On these pages, you will find more information about synesthesia. Although the Synesthesia Project is no longer active at Boston University, Dr. Veronica Gross is still working to explore memory, perception, and synesthesia. She is happy to talk with synesthetes, students, and other researchers about synesthesia and her research.

What is synesthesia?

From the Synesthesia FAQ: Synesthesia (or synaesthesia) is loosely defined as "senses coming together," which is just a translation of the Greek (etymology: syn - together, esthesia from aesthesis - sensation). At its simplest level, synesthesia means that when a certain sense or part of a sense is activated, another unrelated sense or part of a sense is activated concurrently. For example, when someone hears a sound, he or she immediately sees a color or shape in his or her "mind's eye." People that have synesthesia are called synesthetes.

How can I participate in synesthesia research?

  • Contact Dr. Gross directly and she can let you know if there are any projects running at the moment that require synesthetic participants. You may also consider contacting Sean Day and asking about the Synesthete List, which often has experiments available.

I am a student who is doing a project on synesthesia. How can I get information?

  • Dr. Gross encourages students to read the Synesthesia FAQ and then contact her with any additional questions or requests for articles.

I am a student who wants to conduct research on synesthesia. Can Dr. Gross be my adviser?

  • Dr. Gross is happy to help students who are conducting their own research and has done so on many occasions. This includes formulating hypothesis, fact-checking writing, and offering advice. However, Dr. Gross is unable to provide students with lab space, participants, or financial support.

The Synesthesia FAQ

Contact the Synesthesia Project