Converseen is Cross-Platform

Thanks to open-source libraries, Converseen can run natively on Windows, Linux, macOS, FreeBSD, and more.

Get Converseen for free now for your preferred operating system. You can choose among various installation methods or opt for the portable versions!

Download Converseen Now!


Converseen is free software, with its source code open and released under the terms of the GNU GPL version 3 license. This means you have the freedom to modify the source code, submit patches and bug reports, and even contribute as a translator. If you’re interested, please check out the GitHub repository!

Fork Me on GitHub!

Convert a PDF document into Images!

Converseen makes it quick and easy to convert pages of any PDF document into various image formats: JPEG, PNG, WEBP, and many more!

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A Batch Image Converter and Resizer Tool for Windows, Linux and macOS

What’s Converseen?

Converseen is a free cross-platform batch image processor for Windows, Linux, macOS, FreeBSD, and other operating systems. It allows you to convert, resize, rotate, and flip an infinite number of images with a single mouse click. Moreover, Converseen can convert an entire PDF document into a set of images with your preferred characteristics. You can choose from over 100+ formats, set the size, resolution, and the filename.

Thanks to ImageMagick, the powerful image manipulation library, Converseen can handle more than 100 image formats, including DPX, EXR, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PNG, SVG, TIFF, WebP, HEIC/HEIF, and many others. Converseen is designed to be user-friendly, fast, practical, and best of all, it’s available for free!

Download Converseen for Your OS:

Download for Windows

Installer or Portable Zip

Download for Linux

Source, Repos, AppImage, Snap and Flatpak

Download for macOS

zip archive for macOS 12+

What can I do with Converseen?

  • Carry out a single or a multiple conversion.
  • Resize one or multiple images.
  • Compress images for your web pages.
  • Rotate and flip images.
  • Rename a set of images using a progressive number or a prefix/suffix.
  • Selecting a resampling filter to resize images.
  • Convert an entire PDF to a bunch of images
  • Extract an image from a Windows icon file (*ico)

What’s new – 2024-04-21 – Latest!
- Updated French translation
- AppImage version ported to Qt6
- Flatpak version ported to Q6 with libjxl support for ImageMagick
- Various Bugfixes – 2024-04-15
- Reading PDF files during import is now much faster (Works only with ImageMagick7)
- Service Menu is now compatible with KDE Plasma 6
- Fixed keyboard shortcuts
- Various Bugfixes – 2024-03-18
- Fixed problem with language file path in some Linux-based operating systems
- Updated Italian Translation
- Various Bugfixes

Read the full Changelog.