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Engineering -- Periodicals


JSTOR: Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences

In 2000 back issues of this scholarly journal were made available to researchers through JSTOR (Journal Storage). JSTOR offers online access to numerous scholarly journals on a "moving wall" basis -- in which users may download the full text and figures of each article that is at least three-years-old. Currently, JSTOR coverage includes Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical and...
JSTOR: Proceedings: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences

In 2000 back issues of this scholarly journal were made available to researchers through JSTOR (Journal Storage). JSTOR offers online access to numerous scholarly journals on a "moving wall" basis -- in which users may download the full text and figures of each article that is at least three-years-old. Currently, JSTOR coverage includes Proceedings: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering...
NASA Tech Briefs: Engineering Solutions for Design and Manufacturing

NASA Tech Briefs is a monthly magazine that summarizes technologies developed through NASA research and their commercial applications. Free of charge, the magazine's Web site has much of the information that is published in print, while also offering an easy-to-navigate interface. The Tech Brief Library is an archive that dates back four years in twelve different categories, ranging from mechanics...
National Engineers Week

Now an annual event, National Engineers Week was founded by the National Society of Professional Engineers in 1951. In 1988, the National Engineers Week consortium expanded and now includes "more than 100 engineering, scientific, and education societies and major corporations dedicated to enhancing the public understanding of the engineering profession and to promoting pre-college interest in...
Natural Hazards Review

The Natural Hazards Review is accessible from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). "Civil engineers, geologists, scientists and researchers involved in various aspects of construction will find the broad scope of the journal helpful for developing design strategies to mitigate natural hazards." ASCE non-members are required to complete an online form to access the articles.

The American Institute of Physics (AIP) Scitation website "is the online home of more than 100 journals from AIP, APS, ASCE, ASME, SPIE, and a host of other prestigious science and engineering societies." Everyone can browse the materials by an alphabetical list, publisher, and subject. After completing a quick and free registration form, users have access to a more advanced search engine. While...
The Journal of Engineering

The Journal of Engineering (JoE) publishes open access and peer reviewed scholarship under a Creative Commons License. The breadth of topics included within JoE makes it a delightful resource for readers from various disciplines, including electronic, environmental, and materials engineering, among many others. In addition to the scope of topics covered, JoE stands out for its publishing magnitude...
UC Berkeley Lab Notes

The University of California at Berkeley College of Engineering publishes Lab Notes, a newsletter from the Public Affairs Office. The mission is "to illuminate groundbreaking research underway today at the College of Engineering that will dramatically change our lives tomorrow." Lab Notes is available online free of charge. Articles in the November 2004 issue highlight robot technology, satellite...
WISE: Journal of Engineering and Public Policy

"The Journal of Engineering and Public Policy is an electronic compendium of research papers prepared by engineering students participating in the annual Washington Internships for Students of Engineering (WISE)." Papers are currently available for the first six years of the program, and those for 2003 will be available later in the fall. A continuing theme studied by many of the WISE students is...
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