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Introduction to Technical Communication: Perspectives on Medicine and Public Health

Various OpenCourseWare initiatives at institutions like Kyoto University and the University of Notre Dame have been met with many a "huzzah" from around the globe. MIT's own OpenCourseWare initiative is quite well known from Peoria to Pretoria, and this particular course is a nice addition to their roster of existing materials. This course was developed and taught by Professor Cynthia Taft, and it...
John Snow

Professor Ralph Frerichs of UCLA has created this masterful site dedicated to exploring the life and work of John Snow, an individual who is perhaps best known for determining how cholera is transmitted. Along with offering a biography of Dr. Snow, the full-text version of his seminal work, "On the Mode of Communication of Cholera" is included. Best of all, Professor Frerichs has scanned the...
Macroeconomics and Health: Investing in Health for Economic Development

The World Health Organisation's (WHO) Commission on Macroeconomics and Health yesterday released this 210-page report on the role of health in global economic development. The Commission, which was established in January of last year, finds "that extending the coverage of crucial health services, including a relatively small number of specific interventions, to the world's poor could save millions...
Mobile Manufacturers Forum

This is the home page of the Mobile Manufacturer's Forum, an international association of several leading "radio communications equipment manufacturers." Its purpose is to inform the general public about health policies and standards regarding radio frequency (RF) energy emitted by mobile phones and base stations. There are several documents and press releases that can be accessed on the Web site....
State Health Facts Online

Provided by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, State Health Facts discloses important health and health policy information for all fifty states and US territories. Data are divided into ten categories -- demographics and the economy, health status, health coverage and uninsured, medicaid and CHIP, medicare, health costs and budgets, managed care and health insurance, providers and service use,...
Supercourse: Epidemiology, the Internet and Global Health

The Global Health Network, an Internet "global training programme in public health," directed by Ronald E. LaPorte of the Graduate School of Public Health at the University of Pittsburg, and Shunichi Akazawa of the World Health Organization, among others, has recently released this new online Epidemiology course. The course consists of seventeen annotated slide based lectures at this time,...
Supercourse: Epidemiology, the Internet, and Global Health

Created by dedicated staff members at the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Center at the University of Pittsburgh, Supercourse is "a repository of lectures on global health and prevention designed to improve the teaching of prevention." The group's network of experts includes over 56,000 scientists in 174 countries who have produced well over 5,000 lectures in 31 languages. It's quite...
The National Women's Health Information Center

Designed to provide women with authoritative and timely knowledge of a host of womens health issues, the National Womens Health Information Center site (sponsored by the US Department of Health and Human Services) offers a reliable and thorough overview of hundreds of topics and current news briefs. Health topics on the site (which range from abstinence to yellow fever) are alphabetically listed...
Unwelcome Neighbors: Civil Rights and the Environment

The Times-Picayune newspaper has posted this series of news articles on environmental justice, published in print from May 21 through May 24, 2000. Beginning with the phrase "History, geography and the legacy of latent if not outright racism have conspired to place factories, dumps and chemical plants next to the poor," the series covers environmental policy and politics, public health, and...
World Health Organization: Health Situation in Iraq

This World Health Organization (WHO) Web site provides this authoritative source of information on the current state of public health in Iraq. The site features daily press briefings and press releases from WHO, as well as six reports on the following topics: the potential impact of the Iraqi conflict on health, emergency and humanitarian action, guidelines and standards for the control of...
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