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Geology -- Research


Structural Geology and Geomechanics

The teaching and research program, Structural Geology and Geomechanics at Stanford University, concentrates on brittle deformation in the earth's crust as well as fracturing and faulting of rocks under ductile conditions. Researchers can learn about the group's research which effectively unites field observations, laboratory experiments, and theoretical modeling. Scientists can learn about the...
The Earth Institute at Columbia University

Under the very able direction of Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs, The Earth Institute at Columbia University is dedicated to addressing a number of tremendously complex issues, including the vexing question of sustainable development as well as the needs of the world's poor. To this end, the Institute supports a number of creative projects in the biological, engineering, and health sciences, along with...
The Geological Society of London

The Geological Society of London promotes "the geosciences and the professional interests of UK geoscientists." The website offers media, geological, and society news. Researchers can find out about upcoming conferences covering a variety of geological topics as well as information on a series of journals. Everyone interested in geology can find materials on geological careers, including required...
The New Zealand GeoNet Project

"The New Zealand GeoNet Project provides real-time monitoring and data collection for rapid response and research into earthquake, volcano, landslide and tsunami hazards." At the website, researchers can obtain seismic, GPS time series, landslide, quake, and strong motion data. Through the use of remote cameras, the site furnishes pictures of five of New Zealand's volcanoes. Students and educators...
University of Georgia Stratigraphy Lab's Online Guide to Sequence Stratigraphy

The Online Guide to Sequence Stratigraphy created by the University of Georgia addresses the relevance of sequence stratigraphy on outcrops. With a series of helpful figures and great images, students and educators can learn about parasequences, stacking patterns, chronostratigraphy, and much more. The glossary assists users with the terminology used within the materials. For those interested in...
USGS Geologic Hazards

The Geologic Hazards section of the US Geological Survey (USGS) conducts research into the causes of geological phenomena such as landslides and earthquakes. The homepage connects visitors to the Geologic Hazards team's three main areas of endeavor. Geomagnetism provides links to the National Geomagnetic Information Center; Magnetic Observatories, Models, and Charts; and the Geomagnetic...

At, Roger Suthren, a professor at Oxford Brookes University, offers educational materials on geologic phenomena throughout the world. Users can take virtual field trips to study the geology of Scotland, Alaska, and France. In the Regional Geology link, visitors can view wonderful pictures of the volcanoes of Germany, Italy, France, and Greece. Educators can find images of...
World Data Center for Marine Geology & Geophysics, Boulder

The World Data Center-A for Marine Geology & Geophysics, located at the National Geophysical Data Center, USA, is accessible through the Web and includes a forms interface allowing full on-line inventory searches of all Marine Geology & Geophysics Division holdings.
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