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Weather -- Research


A Comprehensive Glossary of Weather Terms for Storm Spotters

Michael Branick at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) developed this online weather dictionary for local severe storm spotters and groups. "Its purposes are 1) to achieve some level of standardization in the definitions of the terms that are used, and 2) provide a reference from which the meanings of any terms, especially the lesser-used ones, can be found." The website,...
American RadioWorks: Climate of Uncertainty

The American Radio Works radio documentary programs have been garnering acclaim over the past few years, and their latest production is definitely worth a listen. Created by Daniel Grossman and John Rudolph (and narrated by Ira Flatow), this one-hour program addresses the effects that global warming may have on the northern half of the United States over the coming years and decades. The radio...
Global Hydrology and Climate Center

This NASA website displays Interactive Global Geostationary Weather Satellite Images collected by GOES, GMS-5, and METEOSAT-7. Users can find captivating real-time images of visible, infrared, and water vapor for most areas of the world. Each image can be viewed as a single image or as an animation. Users not familiar with satellite images can find educational materials describing the unique...

The first site is offered by the educational Web site BrainPOP called Humidity Movie (1), is part of the humidity measurement manufacture Rotronics larger Web site. Several subjects are presented including the Physics of Humidity, Humidity Definitions, and the Effects of Temperature and Pressure on Humidity. The third site on humidity is presented by USA Today's Weather Web site called Humidity...
Midwestern Regional Climate Center

The Midwestern Regional Climate Center (MRCC) is a cooperative program of the Illinois State Water Survey and the National Climatic Data Center. Its mission is to better explain climate and its impacts on the Midwest, provide practical solutions to specific climate problems, and allow us to develop climate information for the Midwest. Visitors of the site can view climate maps of temperature and...
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)

Located in Boulder, Colorado, the mission of the National Center for Atmospheric Research is "to plan, organize, and conduct atmospheric and related research programs in collaboration with universities, to provide state-of-the-art research tools and facilities to the entire atmospheric sciences community, to support and enhance university atmospheric research education, and to facilitate the...
National Severe Weather Workshop 2005

The National Severe Weather Workshop 2005 is "a national forum for emergency management and media to exchange information and techniques for public safety during severe weather." The website supplies the tentative agenda for the three-day conference March 3-5, which includes many speeches from NOAA's weather partners in Norman. Interested visitors can find information on registration materials,...
Predicting Seasonal Weather

Recently, the National Science Foundation has developed a number of Flash-enabled features that showcase the latest research done under their general direction. Many of these features deal directly with a host of pragmatic issues, and some are quite delightful in their overall execution and visual appeal. One such feature highlighted on this site deals with predicting seasonal weather. Of course,...
Scripps Institution of Oceanography: Climate Research Division

The Climate Research Division (CRD) explains its role in Scripps Institution of Oceanography's goals by researching short and long term climate change and humans' influence on the climate. This site offers links to the homepages of the Division research projects including the Ocean State Estimation and the Experimental Climate Prediction Center (ECPC). Users can view images of the el Ni'o forecast...
Space Environment Center Data

Although the Space Environment Center's database has been mentioned previously in the Scout Report (see the May 13, 1994 Scout Report), it is worth mentioning again because an unusually large amount of solar flare and geomagnetic activity has occurred in recent weeks. At the Space Environment Center site, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) posts data, some of it updated by the...
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