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Using the Media to Promote Adolescent Well-Being

Many researchers and parents are concerned about the effects of the media on adolescents. It's in no way a new concern, but there is a renewed interest in how media can potentially be harnessed to combat some of the more pernicious messages disseminated by mainstream media. This particular 8-page brief released in April 2008 takes on that very subject. The brief is part of "The Future of Children" initiative, which is jointly sponsored by Princeton University and The Brookings Institution. Authored by Elisabeth Hirschhorn Donahue, Ron Haskins, and Marisa Nightingale, the brief suggests that nonprofit groups and associations can effectively "draw teens into conversations by supplying them with expertise and tools they can share with their friends to become advocates to one another." The report goes on to suggest that working with new media and social networking sites may be more effective than trying to rally against such new forms of expression.
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