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Complex Systems Research Center (CSRC)

The Complex Systems Research Center (CSRC) at the University of New Hampshire investigates "the effects of human disturbance on the Earth's biogeochemical processes." Specific emphasis is on the ocean's role in the global carbon cycle, forest decline and land-use change, nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems, and processes contributing to changes in atmospheric chemistry and climate. The site's main content may be found in the Projects section, where a dozen research and education projects are described in varying detail. Each Project has its own link accompanied by a description of research and highlights of recent findings. Additional sections at the site include Publications, Associated Projects, and Graduate Education, among others.
Archived Scout Publication URL
Date of Scout Publication
October 13th, 1999
Date Of Record Creation
April 7th, 2003 at 11:40am
Date Of Record Release
April 7th, 2003 at 11:40am
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