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Squint is a Python library that provides a Simple query interface for Tabular data that is designed to be "light-weight and easy to learn." Squint can load data from CSV files, Excel files, DBF files, connections to relational databases (e.g., MySQL or Postgres), or Pandas objects. The desired columns can be specified using Python's built-in data structures (e.g., sets, lists, and dictionaries), with results returned in the same format. In other words, to get a Python list of results a user would specify their desired columns as a Python list. In addition to simply returning the results, Squint also provides aggregate methods to construct basic data summaries and "functional methods" that employ user-specified functions for procedures like filtering, mapping, or reducing results. The Squint documentation includes tutorials demonstrating typical use of the software along with a detailed API reference. The How to Install Squint section of the How-To Guide (found by following the Documentation link) describes installing the software via `pip`.
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Date of Scout Publication
May 7th, 2021
Date Of Record Creation
April 20th, 2021 at 12:22pm
Date Of Record Release
April 27th, 2021 at 10:33am
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