Physics and Astronomy Online

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ScienceIQ Facts

Physics & Astronomy Facts

Gravity Is the Weakest!
The Weakest Force

Did you know that gravity is the weakest force in the universe? Well, it's true! There are four fundamental forces (that we know of) in our universe: Strong Nuclear, Electromagnetic, Weak Nuclear an ...
Normal Sight: Normal ray tracing of light to the retina. Shows image will
Does Your Brain Do Flips?

You may not be aware of it, but when you look at the world, the image projected on your retina is upside down. This is due to the optics used by our eyes. Our brain compensates for this upside down vi ...

What Is Polarimetry?

Polarimetry is the technique of measuring the 'polarization' of light. Most of the light we encounter every day is a chaotic mixture of light waves vibrating in all directions. Such a combination is k ...

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