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FRONTLINE presents Blackout

the california crisiswhat about my utility bill?the new new power businessregulating powerplanning for the future
special reports from the New York Times
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This program is a co-production of FRONTLINE and The New York Times

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Power shortages. Rolling blackouts. Skyrocketing utility bills. California's power disaster has made "energy" a national front-burner issue. The state's power crunch has affected everyone from homeowners and small businesses to the big-business consumers of electricity who originally pushed for deregulation. Now, the state's largest utility, PG& E, has filed for bankruptcy.

But is California's energy crisis the result of flawed deregulation and the weather-or, as some charge, market manipulation by a new breed of power entrepreneurs? Or a bit of both? And could other states face similar energy shortages?

published june 2001



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