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Street & Smith's Preservation Access Project

For thousands of Americans throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries, dime novels and pulp magazines were their first experiences with the emerging world of mass-produced material culture. One such purveyor was the Street & Smith publishing house, which began in 1855 and published a wide variety of popular literature (such as homemaking magazines, comics, and dime novels) for over 100 years. These products didn't often have a great deal of originality, as the company viewed fiction as a commodity, and editors dictated plots and characters to writers, a list that included Horatio Alger, Upton Sinclair, and Jack London. This Web site, an online exhibit presented by the Syracuse University Library, pays homage to this publishing house with a number of scanned digitized images of the Street & Smith dime novels, a cover art gallery, and a collection of images immortalizing that most famous comic strip character, the Yellow Kid.
Alternate Title
Street & Smith Dime Collection: Syracuse University Library
Scout Publication
Date of Scout Publication
October 3rd, 2003
Date Of Record Creation
October 2nd, 2003 at 2:32pm
Date Of Record Release
October 2nd, 2003 at 2:32pm
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