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The Discoveries of Marie Curie

This topic-in-depth discusses the life and work of Marie Curie (1867-1934) who, with her astonishing contributions to physics and chemistry, was one of the first world-famous female scientists. The first Web site, (1) an exhibit by the American Institute of Physics, tells the story of her life -- from her childhood in the czarist Russian-controlled Poland to her winning of two Nobel prizes. The extensive exhibit is supplemented with articles by Marie Curie and educational materials on radioactivity. The next Web site (2), by the Nobel e-Museum, discusses Marie Curie's 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics. With this short biography, visitors can learn about her and Pierre Curie's discoveries in radium and polonium. The Web site also provides links to the Presentation speech and information on her 1911 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. In the third Web site (3), the National Institute of Standards and Technology explain how Marie Curie and many other scientists developed the International Standards and the U.S. National Standards for radium. Visitors can learn about the difficulties experienced in obtaining an accurate mass measurement for radium from the time of its discovery through today. The next three Web sites present articles and notes written by Marie Curie translated into English. In the first article (4), Marie Curie, Pierre Curie and G. B'mont announce their discoveries of radium. The Web site, provided by Le Moyne College, offers a simple, yet well-detailed, account of the scientific process that led to the researchers' success. In the next Web site, (5 ) also by Le Moyne College, Marie Curie reports on her studies of the conductance of air under the influence of the uranium rays. Users can learn about her findings of the secondary rays emitted by uranium, pitchblende, and thorium oxide's under the action of R'ntgen ray. The Web site (6) created by the Physics Department at UCLA, provides an article by Marie Curie published in the _Century Magazine_ in January 1904 addressing her knowledge of radium and radioactivity. Visitors can discover the experimental processes she undertook to deal with radiation. The Web site also offers additional information for points in her discussion that have since been clarified. The last two sites discuss the chemical properties of the elements Marie Curie discovered. The Web site (7) by the Faculty of Chemical Technology is devoted to Polonium. Teachers and students can find information on its Minerals and Uses, Isotopes, Thermal Properties, and Ionization Energies and Abundances. The Web site (8) by the University of Sheffield offers an abundance of information on Radium. With its many tables and figures, students and educators can find data on its Isotopes, Temperatures, Solid State Structure, and much more.
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Date of Scout Publication
November 14th, 2003
Date Of Record Creation
November 13th, 2003 at 2:51pm
Date Of Record Release
November 13th, 2003 at 2:51pm
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