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The Poetry Society of America

With a lyre serving as their organization's totem, the Poetry Society of America has served the poetry community of the United States for over seventy years. The Society may be best known for its annual awards, which include the prestigious Frost Award, the Cecil Hemly Memorial Award, and the Shelley Memorial Award. Aspiring poets can read about the entry guidelines for these awards, along with being able to peruse a list of previous recipients of both the Frost Award and Shelley Memorial Award, including such literary luminaries as Conrad Aiken, Kenneth Rexroth, Elizabeth Bishop, Gwendolyn Brooks and Wallace Stevens. Even more compelling is the inclusion of works by the most recent recipients, whose august number includes Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Also on the website are lists of helpful outside poetry-related websites, a calendar of upcoming events sponsored by the Society, and a direct link to the Favorite Poem Project, which was begun by former U.S. Poet Laureate Robert Pinsky.
Scout Publication
Date of Scout Publication
November 21st, 2003
Date Of Record Creation
November 20th, 2003 at 5:48pm
Date Of Record Release
April 3rd, 2013 at 12:46pm
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