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Frontline: The Invasion of Iraq

While it's hard to have a thorough and well-developed perspective at times on events in the recent past, this thought-provoking online site on the recent war in Iraq is a place that brings together important analysis from a host of war correspondents, policymakers, and military leaders. The site includes transcriptions of interviews with various persons involved in the recent military conflict, a chronology of events during (and leading up to) the war, and a very good section of analysis, divided into thematic topics that include civilian casualties and one titled Is this Victory?. Of course, visitors will not want to leave the site without looking at the many fine extra features, such as a transcript of a talk with Eamonn Matthews (the program's producer), a very thorough set of materials for teachers, reaction from the press on the program, and a video excerpt.
Scout Publication
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Date of Scout Publication
April 23rd, 2004
Date Of Record Creation
April 22nd, 2004 at 3:35pm
Date Of Record Release
May 6th, 2004 at 3:23pm
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