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Google's IPO

While the boom and bust IPO craze of the nineties has largely been replaced by wary investors and a battlefield of tech startups, possibly the biggest IPO of the millennium is about to take place. Google, the inimitable company that has defined the use of the Internet and transformed its name into a verb, is soon to hit the market. In an amusing test, a search for "Google IPO" on Google itself reveals 984,000 entries from which to pick. Thus, here are a few, leaving 984,995 from which to choose at your leisure. The first site (1) takes you to the New York Times' piece on person you'd love to be right now, John Doerr, who was one of the venture capitalists that put money in Google's pockets at the get go. The second link is to NPR's recent story on Google's IPO and a report from the Tech Guru, Omar Wasow (2). The third link takes you to an article from the San Jose Mercury news that highlights just how much money will head towards Google's employees (3). highlights how this IPO may resurrect the tattered fortunes of the tech industry in the fourth site (4 ). And, the last site is from the Saint Petersburg Times, which offers this article explaining the Google-like twist Google is putting on this IPO in order to try to allow common folk to snatch a few shares before the mega-investors sweep in (5)
Alternate Title
New York Times: How John Doerr, the Old Prospector, Finally Struck GoogleNPR's Tech Guru Omar Wasow: Google's IPOSan Jose Mercury News: Google IPO Translates Into Multiple Google IPO May Help Raise Fortunes of Tech IndustrySaint Petersburg Times: Google Sets Up IPO with a Twist
Date of Scout Publication
May 7th, 2004
Date Of Record Creation
May 6th, 2004 at 3:34pm
Date Of Record Release
May 18th, 2004 at 2:26pm
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