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American Family: Journey of Dreams

The term "family" is one that continues to be highly debated, both in terms of its societal importance and in terms of its shifting definition across generations. Exploring one family's experience in the United States is the remarkable PBS program American Family, which profiles a multigenerational family living in Los Angeles. This well-designed site allows visitors to learn about the series and its cast, along with providing information about each episode. Perhaps the most compelling part of the site focuses on the family itself. Here visitors may read the journal of one family member, browse an interactive feature about the history of their community (which happens to be East L.A.), and a selection of essays on What it Means to be Latino? Individuals will also want to look at the Your Families area which includes sections that allow users to create family scrapbooks and information on the so-called generation gap. The site concludes with a helpful resource area that includes links to other topical online materials and several teacher guides for those educators hoping to use the program in the classroom.
Date of Scout Publication
July 30th, 2004
Date Of Record Creation
July 29th, 2004 at 1:56pm
Date Of Record Release
August 9th, 2004 at 3:02pm
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