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Imperial War Museum Collections On-line Database

The nature of war and its aftermath has served as the inspiration for numerous creative works, including those in the visual arts, poetry, film, and photography. Of course, wars themselves have been well-documented in general, particularly with the explosion of various technological innovations that allow individuals the opportunity to capture various moments both on the battlefield and the home front. The Imperial War Museum Collections Online Database allows the intrepid web-browser access to over 150,000 records relating to items in their holdings. Out of these 150,000 online records, approximately 3,000 of these items are fully available on this site, and their number includes photographs, works of art, "soundbites", and other visual artifacts. As searching the entire collection may be daunting, the staff at the Museum has created a number of thematic categories as a way of introducing some of their more prominent materials. Some of these categories include "War in the Air", "Truth & Propaganda", and "Burial & Remembrance". Overall, this is both an engaging and well-thought-out site.
Scout Publication
Date of Scout Publication
September 10th, 2004
Date Of Record Creation
September 10th, 2004 at 9:46am
Date Of Record Release
September 14th, 2004 at 3:34pm
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