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The Cartographic Modeling Lab at the University of Pennsylvania

While many schools no longer have academic departments devoted specifically to the discipline of geography, the almost innate human interest in mapping and analyzing various types of spatial data continues unabated. The Cartographic Modeling Lab at the University of Pennsylvania is an outstanding example of this trend, and their website contains a great deal of information on their work and their applied projects in and around the city of Philadelphia. The Lab is a joint venture of the School of Design and the School of Social Work at the University and many of their research projects reflect a rather novel and creative dedication to interdisciplinary approaches to various policy questions. Visitors will want to take a look at some of the group's recent projects, including a historical study of the trend of “redlining” in Philadelphia and an interactive database of murals throughout the city.
Scout Publication
Date of Scout Publication
February 18th, 2005
Date Of Record Creation
February 17th, 2005 at 2:50pm
Date Of Record Release
March 10th, 2005 at 11:48am
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