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Technology and Religion

This issue of Topic in Depth explores the relationship between technology and religion in today's world. This first website, from PBS, features interviews with "a skeptic, a devout Muslim scientist, and an expert in the sociology of religion" who address the question, Can Religion Withstand Technology? (1). This blog from the Institute for the Future discusses how religion is making use of technology (2). One way that religion and technology interact, of course, is through the use of the Internet in communicating religious ideas, as is evidenced by this collection of websites listed on cybertheology (3 ), which also offers a number of articles on theology and technology. This next website from researcher at the University of Maryland (4) is "dedicated to illustrations of the trends to refer to and use metaphors from technology in conveying fundamental ideas in theology" and presents some of the data collected so far as part of this research project. In this article from TechNewsWorld (5), an associate deputy of interfaith relations for the Episcopal Church discusses his views on "the future of religion and technology -- and what he views as their joint role in the survival of humanity." Wired offers this perspective on how technology has impacted Islamic traditions (6). W. Kent Fuchs, Dean of Cornell University's College of Engineering, discusses the ways that religion and technology can help each other in this short article (7 ). Finally, this website (8) offers a large selection of articles specifically addressing Faith and Science from the Institute for Theological Encounter with Science & Technology.
Alternate Title
PBS: Can Religion Withstand Technology?Institute for the Future Blog: Emerging Technologies and Their Social ImplicationsCybertheologyNational Faculty Leadership Conference: Theology/TechnologyTechNewsWorld: Technology and ReligionWired: on Muslims and technologyCornells Minister of TechnologyReadings in Faith and Science
Date of Scout Publication
March 11th, 2005
Date Of Record Creation
March 10th, 2005 at 9:36am
Date Of Record Release
March 25th, 2005 at 4:27pm
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