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Since its inception in 1982, the Orion magazine has had a primary concern with reconnecting human culture with the natural world and "engaging the heart and mind". During the past few decades, Orion has published the work of a number of new voices, along with such established writers as Barry Lopez and David Quammen. First-time visitors to the site will enjoy perusing the online archive, which contains selected articles and other writings from the magazine. Some of the materials available online include the piece "Peas, Man" by Matt Rasmussen. In the piece he offers his memories of working in the pea fields in the Skagit Valley. Another insightful piece in the most recent issue is "What Fundamentalists Need for Their Salvation" by David James Duncan. There are a number of fine online features here, including an audio feature of Pulitzer-Prize winner Richard Rhodes talking about the Everglades.
Scout Publication
Date of Scout Publication
August 26th, 2005
Date Of Record Creation
August 25th, 2005 at 3:16pm
Date Of Record Release
August 26th, 2005 at 12:45pm
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