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CBC Archives

Throughout its long history, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) has documented, through both radio and television, the many facets of life in the country of Canada and around the world. Recently, they created the CBC Archives website which brings together hundreds of clips that deal with everything from the fabled Grey Cup to Brian Mulroney. Given the vast amount of material here, visitors would do well to start by exploring the Archives Timeline, where they can browse through such thematic areas as "Politics & Economy", "Disasters & Tragedies", and "Conflict & War". Visitors can also browse through the materials by topic, or just by an alphabetical listing of all the available clips. The staff members have also created an index of "Great Interviews", which range from short talks with Errol Flynn about his time in Cuba during the 1959 revolution to an intriguing interview with Malcolm X from February 1965.
Scout Publication
Required Software
Date of Scout Publication
November 24th, 2006
Date Of Record Creation
November 22nd, 2006 at 8:47am
Date Of Record Release
November 28th, 2006 at 12:41pm
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