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NOVA: Pocahontas Revealed

Who was Pocahontas? It's a question that has puzzled historians and archaeologists for centuries, and this recent documentary from NOVA takes a nuanced and in-depth look into both the reality and the myth surrounding her. The program draws on a wide variety of perspectives, and this complementary website could be used as an educational tool in the classroom or just as a means for personal edification. Visitors can watch a short video preview of the program, and then take a look through the "Images of A Legend" area, which provides twelve different visual interpretations of Pocahontas from the early 17th century all the way up to her recent portrayal in a popular animated film. Other areas of the site include "The Science of Jamestown", "Touching the Past", and "Bold Endeavor", which features an essay by historian David Silverman on the clash of cultures between Jamestown's colonists and Pocahontas' people.
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