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Open Collections Programs: Expeditions and Discoveries

Expeditions and discoveries from 1626 to 1953 are the topic of one of Harvard University's latest online collections. Maps, photographs, field notes, and letters are a few of the types of materials the website showcases. Scholars, researchers, educators, the general public, and "students of anthropology, archaeology, astronomy, botany, geography, geology, medicine, oceanography, and zoology" will find these resources to be useful and insightful. Visitors should start out with the "Scope" tab to learn what the site has, including "Featured Exhibitions", "Published and Unpublished Materials", and "Selections and Exclusions". The "Featured Exhibitions" are also listed with their date and location, on the left hand side of the any page. Visitors wishing to "Browse" the collection can choose from "Additional Expeditions", "Images", "Maps", "Notable People", "Topics and Disciplines", as well as a few other categories. Per the "Help" page, the three ways to search the site are Catalog, Full-Text, and Site. An explanation is given of the limits and benefits of each, and links to tips on the specific types of searches are also given.
Scout Publication
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Date of Scout Publication
July 3rd, 2009
Date Of Record Creation
July 3rd, 2009 at 11:00am
Date Of Record Release
July 3rd, 2009 at 11:57am
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