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Discoveries from Mars: Using a Planetary Perspective to Enhance Undergraduate Geoscience Courses

As more and more data is returned from various missions to Mars, educators have unique opportunities to corral this data in the service of teaching young people about petrology, hydrology, and sedimentology. This set of teaching resources comes from The Cutting Edge website developed at Carleton College. Designed to provide information and teaching resources for geoscience faculty, this new section of the site includes a searchable collection of Internet resources, activities and assignments using Mars data, and a number of visualizations relating to Mars. Visitors may also want to view the presentations on this subject which originated from a workshop held by at the Mars Space Flight Facility at Arizona State University. Also, visitors with their own relevant resources can learn about how they can make their own contributions as well.
Scout Publication
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Date of Scout Publication
July 24th, 2009
Date Of Record Creation
July 24th, 2009 at 7:26am
Date Of Record Release
July 24th, 2009 at 12:16pm
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