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Marina Abramović‡: The Artist is Present, March 14 - May 31

The live video web feed shows a woman with shoulder-length blond hair, wearing a white blouse and blue jeans tucked into brown boots, seated at a wooden table across from another woman with long dark hair in a braid that falls over her shoulder and down her front. The dark-haired woman is wearing a long red dress, and has a mystical air about her. They do not speak, but their chests rise and fall with their breathing. Finally the blond bows to the dark-haired woman and rises. The dark-haired woman stretches and shifts in her chair. Another woman sits down in the blonde's spot. This is an example of what visitors to the website for the exhibition "Marina Abramović: The Artist is Present" at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) might see in roughly 20 minutes of watching, during museum hours. Abramović sits in silence at a table MoMA's Donald B. and Catherine C. Marron Atrium and invites visitors to take the seat across from her for as long as they wish. The artist will not respond, but MoMA has interviewed museum goers who spent time sitting with Abramović, and posted their responses on its Inside/Out blog. The show is a retrospective of 40 years of Abramović's work, and a crew of almost three dozen was hired in order to present and recreate past performance pieces.
Scout Publication
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Date of Scout Publication
April 23rd, 2010
Date Of Record Creation
April 23rd, 2010 at 9:46am
Date Of Record Release
April 23rd, 2010 at 11:11am
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