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STEM Education Coalition

The Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education Coalition is an educational lobbying group that promotes "policies to improve STEM education at all levels." A coalition consisting of 500 organizations, it aims to educate policymakers about the importance of STEM education in keeping the U.S. competitive in the global marketplace. Visitors can find testimony and letters from the Coalition to various lawmakers in the "Positions and Activities" tab, including Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, and President Obama himself. The "STEM Resources" tab has multiple links to fact sheets, report cards, and various reports that indicate the state of STEM education in the U.S. Visitors will also find an extensive number of panel discussions, commissions, and reports, beginning with a report from September 1996 on teaching and America's future to a more recent report titled "Tapping America's Potential: Gaining Momentum, Losing Ground."
Scout Publication
Date of Scout Publication
May 27th, 2011
Date Of Record Creation
May 27th, 2011 at 9:47am
Date Of Record Release
May 27th, 2011 at 6:27pm
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