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Environmental Sciences & Sustainability: The NY Academy of Sciences

The New York Academy of Sciences has so many areas that they investigate that choosing just one to highlight can be difficult. The Environmental Sciences and Sustainability topic is particularly interesting, and there's enough material here to warrant several return visits. For example, the article entitled "Flood-Resilient Waterfront Development in New York City: Bridging Flood Insurance, Building Codes, and Flood Zoning" from the annals, is about creating waterfront developments that are resilient to floods, and thus able to account for climate change trends. There are also multiple podcasts that visitors can listen and learn from, such as the 20-minute "The Secret Lives of Bees" podcast, which discusses the 200 species of bees that live in New York City and the Great Pollinator Project. The podcast "Between Earth and Sky" will be of interest to visitors who are fascinated by trees, as veteran forest ecologist Nalini Nadkarni explains the connection she has found between humans and trees.
Scout Publication
Date of Scout Publication
October 14th, 2011
Date Of Record Creation
October 14th, 2011 at 11:46am
Date Of Record Release
October 14th, 2011 at 12:20pm
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