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CancerQuest: Cancer Education Curriculum

The Cancer Education Curriculum section of the CancerQuest website provides complete curricular units about cervical cancer and skin cancer. These units are part of their "Educator Resources" area, which also includes downloadable posters, interactive educational games about cancer, and video interviews with cancer survivors and clinicians. Visitors to the site will note that each unit has an interactive whiteboard that gives them access to supporting materials, such as vocabulary files, homework, discussion questions, and a quiz. The core of each unit is formed by a PowerPoint presentation and lesson plan. Also, visitors should note that the site contains an eleven-minute video-animation that describes the biological processes that are involved in the development, growth and spread of cancer.
Scout Publication
Date of Scout Publication
November 11th, 2011
Date Of Record Creation
November 11th, 2011 at 11:49am
Date Of Record Release
December 5th, 2011 at 2:15pm
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