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Virtually Members: The Facebook and Twitter Followers of UK Political Parties

Some might ask in these social media-heavy times: Who's following who on Facebook and Twitter? It's a valuable question, particularly in the realm of business and politics. The team at Demos has researched the matter quite closely, and they have come up with this set of observations, musings, and conclusions. The paper offers a detailed analysis of "political support on social media, and finds that each of the main political parties now have significantly more Twitter followers than they do formal party members." The 18-page paper contains graphs, charts, and statistical analyses that buttress many of their claims. Those with an interest in political engagement, mass communications, and political science will find this report most timely. [KMG]
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Date of Scout Publication
May 3rd, 2013
Date Of Record Creation
April 30th, 2013 at 11:07am
Date Of Record Release
April 30th, 2013 at 1:19pm
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