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Carnegie Hall: Honor! A Celebration of the African American Cultural Legacy

Take a tour of African American music through the ages. As part of Carnegie Hall’s Honor! A Celebration of the African American Cultural Legacy exhibit, Portia K. Maultsby’s timeline of African American music illustrates the dynamic flow of genres from the sacred and secular traditions of the 17th century to the hip-hop, techno, and new jazz swing movements of today. Click on any of the genres to hear a sample of the music, read more information, or view the archives. The About section provides a detailed definition, underlying context and history, music features, performance style, lyrics, and even several notable performers. From the Archives also has a selection of iconic images of performers and events from each genre. The timeline also lists Notable Carnegie Hall Performances with dates, images, and performers. This resource is an excellent way to explore the roots of the music we listen to today, and see how it has changed over the years.
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Date of Scout Publication
February 7th, 2014
Date Of Record Creation
February 6th, 2014 at 1:49pm
Date Of Record Release
February 6th, 2014 at 2:45pm
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