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Urban Natural Resources Stewardship

Last featured in the 6-12-2015 issue of the Scout Report, the Urban Natural Resources Stewardship continues to conduct valuable research on how urban trees affect issues such as public health and environmental justice. Over the past 100 years, more and more of the U.S. population has moved into urban areas. Currently, more than 80 percent of Americans live in or near a city. The Northern Research Station (NRS), a division of the U.S. Forest Service, seeks to keep cities and suburbs livable by ensuring that trees, parks, greenways, rivers, and lake fronts remain elements of the "urban forest." In addition to information about the NRS' Urban Natural Resources Stewardship efforts, this website includes a list of science topics, each dedicated to a unique aspect of land use in urban areas. For instance, "Neighborhood quality of life" links to information about how trees increase social well-being and an article outlining the group's research on what attracts and repels visitors to urban recreation areas. In addition, the site links out to other research themes of the NRS, such as sustaining forests and providing clean air and water.
Archived Scout Publication URL
Scout Publication
Date of Scout Publication
August 24th, 2018
Date Of Record Creation
June 10th, 2015 at 12:52pm
Date Of Record Release
June 10th, 2015 at 4:04pm
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