
This page, produced through a partnership between Washington State University and University of Washington and funded by the Department of Energy, contains an interactive diagram that illustrates how a variety of clean energy careers are related to each other. These include Substation Operator, Instrument Control Technician, Substation Electrician, and Lineworker. On separate pages, information is listed for each career on the training required, example employers, and educational programs. Furthermore, attached pdfs provide an Occupation Overview and Job Description for each position.

ATE Central is excited to inform you about the upcoming release of the new ATE Impacts 2024-2025 book!
We are excited to announce the release of the ATE Impacts 2022-2023 book. Copies can be ordered online through the ATE Impacts website, and digital copies of the book can be accessed there as well. The digital copies are viewable across all devices....