The Scout Report for Social Sciences
March 24, 1998
A Publication of the Internet Scout Project
Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The target audience of the new Scout Report for Social Sciences is faculty, students, staff, and librarians in the social sciences. Each biweekly issue offers a selective collection of Internet resources covering topics in the field that have been chosen by librarians and content specialists in the given area of study.
The Scout Report for Social Sciences is also provided via email once every two weeks. Subscription information is included at the bottom of each issue.
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New Data
Learning Resources and General Interest
In the News
Current Awareness
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The Roman Gask Project
This site is a companion to a long-term research program by the University of Manchester's Department of Archaeology (UK) to study the Roman Frontier works on and around the Gask Ridge in Perthshire, Scotland. The Gask Ridge system is the earliest Roman frontier in Britain, and possibly the first anywhere; this project is the first attempt to systematically study the Gask Ridge frontier as a whole. At the site, users will find an overview of the project, excavation reports and papers, maps and pictures, and bibliographies. In addition, the site also features an annotated list of related links. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Chinese Biographical Database (CBD)
Maintained by Marilyn A. Levine, Professor of Asian History at Lewis-Clark State College, this site is an effort to develop new ways to access historical database materials via the Internet. Visitors can query the database using 22 searches for specific or aggregate data questions. General search areas are: Biographical Information, Birth Year, Career, and Origin Searches; Alternate Names, Education, Family, and Youth Searches; Affiliations, Positions, and Historical Events Searches. More detailed information on individuals is available in the Reports section, which includes nine forms: Biographical Information and Career Report; Sources Report; Alternate Names Report, Education Report, Family Report, Youth Activities Report, Affiliations Report, Positions Report, and Historical Events Report. Instructions for using the site in Chinese are also provided. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Matrix
Provided by the Divinity School at Yale University, Matrix is a collection of resources for the study of women's religious communities, 500-1500CE. The core of the site is the Monasticon, a repertory of profiles of religious women's communities. The Monasticon, which currently contains information on over 1100 religious communities and three in-depth community profiles, can be used to find individual histories of communities or can be searched as a database. Additional resources include a Chartulary of primary source documents, a Glossary, On-Line Articles, a modest collection of Images, Maps, and Site Plans, and a Bibliography (under development). [MD]
[Back to Contents]Corpus of Electronic Texts (CELT): The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde
CELT, located at University College Cork, has placed online the complete works of Oscar Wilde, including poems, novels, stories, and lectures. CELT, an "online database of contemporary and historical topics from many areas, including literature and the other arts," is aimed at the greatest possible range of readers, from academic scholars to the general public. Texts at the site can be searched, read on-screen, or downloaded. Other works available at CELT include essays by Michael Collins, the Dail debates on the 1921 Anglo-Irish Treaty, works by James Connolly and Padraic Pearse, and almost the whole corpus of Hiberno-Norman French poetry. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Bibliography for Research on International Human Rights Law
Compiled by David Weissbrodt and Marci Hoffman and provided by the University of Minnesota Human Rights Library (discussed in the January 5, 1996 Scout Report), this extensive bibliography contains a large number and variety of resources for researching international human rights law. Entries include: Human Rights Instruments, Human Rights Case Law, Research Guides on the Six Major Human Rights Instruments, Refugee Law, Selected Texts, Research Guides, Periodicals, Electronic Resources, and Country Situations. [MD]
[Back to Contents]The Electronic Map Library
Provided by the Department of Geography at California State University, Northridge, this site hosts Professor William Bowen's excellent collection of digital atlases. Atlases are available for Boston, Washington, DC, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Sacramento, the US, California, and New York City (discussed in the February 10, 1998 Scout Report for Social Sciences). Atlases for each are divided into at least four principle topics: Population and Race, Income, Poverty, and Adult Educational Attainment. An added valuable feature for the non-California cities is a locator map detailing the principle boroughs and neighborhoods. In addition to the atlases, the site also hosts a Census Data Archive, with data from Southern California, California, and the US census. [MD]
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Valley of the Shadow Archive--Part II: The War Years [VRML, SGML]
This site, the second of three installments in the University of Virginia Valley of the Shadow project (Discussed in the Scout Report for Social Sciences for September 23, 1997), continues the excellent work of its predecessor with an account of the war years in Great Valley. At the site, users can follow the soldiers from Augusta County, VA and Franklin County, PA out onto the battlefield through a database containing over 15,000 military dossiers. Even more telling of the soldiers' experiences are their letters, 148 of which have been marked up in SGML and stored in a searchable database. Additional resources at the site include a sample collection of images from what will be a searchable database of over 600 images, a searchable collection of selected transcriptions from four local newspapers, a modest collection of Civil War maps and (currently one) VRML battle map movie, links to several closely related sites, and information on integrating the project into the classroom. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Psychology of Religion Page
Designed and maintained by Professor Michael E. Nielsen of the Psychology Department at Georgia Southern University, this site offers numerous resources for people interested in psychological aspects of religious belief and behavior. The site is designed as an introduction to the psychology of religion, rather than a comprehensive treatment. Resources are grouped into three main categories: general resource pages, science and religion pages, and pages devoted to new religious movements. Contents include notable people in the psychology of religion; a bibliography; course syllabi; journal TOCs; essays on the field, on science and religion, and on several aspects of new religious movements; and related links. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Crossroads: A K-16 American History Curriculum
Provided by the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC), this site is the product of a grant from the Fund for the Improvement and Reform of Schools and Teaching (FIRST) of the US Department of Education, with the goal of developing a seamless K-16 curriculum in American history. The curriculum, called Crossroads, is composed of 36 units (chronologically organized into twelve historical periods), equally distributed between elementary, middle, and high school grade levels. The site also features course syllabii for pre-service social studies educators on the subjects of American history and history education and a twelve-part bibliographic essay on textual sources for American history. [MD]
[Back to Contents]European Parliament Fact Sheets
Presented by the European Parliament Directorate-General for Research, this site is a useful resource for courses on government or European studies. Fact sheets are divided into 6 categories: How the European Community works; Citizens Europe; The single market; Common policies; Economic and monetary union; and The Union's external relations. Each category contains several fact sheets on particular topics, and each fact sheet identifies the topic's legal basis, objectives, and achievements. Sample topics include: the institutions of economic and monetary union; common foreign and security policy; European Union institutions and bodies; and citizens of the Union and their rights. The site is available in both English and French. [MD]
[Back to Contents]CARTS: Cultural Arts Resources for Teachers and Students
Designed and maintained by Gail Matthews-DeNatale, CARTS is a collection of online resources pertaining to folklore, anthropology, traditional arts, oral history, and community-based education. CARTS is designed to help K-12 teachers, students, and community members develop links between school curricula and local cultural traditions. At the site users will find a number of resources for this effort, such as an interview with a National Heritage Award-winning artist, a discussion list, teacher institute retrospectives, regional slide shows, and links to relevant regional resources. [MD]
[Back to Contents]William Hogarth and 18th Century Print Culture
This site is an online version of an exhibition to commemorate the 300th anniversary of Hogarth's birth. Held at Northwestern University in April-June 1997, the exhibition reassessed Hogarth's satirical graphical work in thematic sections demonstrating his concern for the ills of the modern city, the lives of professional women, and issues of theatricality, race, class, and taste. In addition to seven sections of prints exploring these themes, the site also offers an overview of the technical process used by Hogarth and his contemporaries to etch and engrave their prints. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Aesop's Fables--Online Collection [Java],[RealAudio]
Created by John R. Long, this site will appeal to teachers, parents, children, or just about anyone who appreciates the subtle humor, insight, and timeless wisdom of these short tales. The site features texts of 654 of Aesop's Fables, indexed in table format, with the morals listed. Some of the Fables also offer images and RealAudio recordings. Users will recognize many Fables, including "The Ant and the Grasshopper," "The Ass and the Mule," and "The Lion and the Mouse." Additional features at the site include the 127 Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Anderson, short stories by L. Frank Baum, a Discussion Forum for posting new stories and fables, and a Java Panorama Graphic Timeline of 1000 BC - 1000 AD. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Vaclav Havel--Challenges of Our Time: Selected Speeches and Writings, 1990-1998
Provided by Prague Castle, the seat of the head of state of the Czech Republic, this site contains selected writings and speeches by Vaclav Havel, the playwright turned president. Havel, an unflinching critic of the communist regime in Czechoslovakia from the late 1960s into the 1980s, has been internationally recognized for his stance on the defense of freedom and human rights. These themes resonate strongly in this collection, which includes texts from speeches given around the world. [MD]
[Back to Contents]'s Best of the Web for Lawyers 1997, the first newsletter to cover the Internet for lawyers and legal professionals, recently announced its annual awards honoring the best web sites for legal professionals. Categories include Firms, Research, Reference Publication, Bars, Law Library, Law Review, and Service to Lawyers. Annotated links are provided to the winner and two honorable mentions for each category. [MD]
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Management of State Security Archives of Former Repressive Regimes--UNESCO
This report, prepared for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization on behalf of the International Council on Archives by Antonio Gonzalez Quintana, studies the management of state security records of former repressive regimes, including an analysis of the problem and guidelines for their management. Experts from Chile, Brazil, Germany, Hungary, the Russian Federation, South Africa, Spain and the US participated in the working group that conducted the study. The report is part of an effort to enable archivists and administrators to participate in the establishment of the historical authenticity and, at the same time, to assist concerned citizens to rehabilitate their rights and dignity. Users can access the report in English or Spanish. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Injustice Studies
Injustice Studies is a new online journal produced by Instructional Technology Services at Illinois State University. The journal aims to stimulate the critical analyses of injustices around the world with a multidisciplinary and international flavor. The first issue features articles on bride-burning and dowry deaths in India and the use of force to suppress genocide; commentary on sex, race, and the Vietnam War; and a report on juvenile justice in Honduras. [MD]
[Back to Contents]New Books in Nineteenth-Century Studies
Provided by the University of University of Southern California's Department of English, this site offers complete publication information for scholarly works on the British Romantic and Victorian periods. Users will find authors, titles, publishers, prices, ISBN numbers and publishers' descriptions for new and forthcoming critical works, anthologies, and critical editions of nineteenth-century British materials. In the near future original reviews will be available for selected works. The site also features an internal search engine. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Conference Announcements
Gendered Landscapes: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of Past Place and Space
May 31-June 1, 1999 State College, PA. This conference aims to explore and share particular perspectives within a multi-disciplinary community and to initiate an ongoing dialog regarding issues of gender and past construction of place and space. "The conference will bring together scholars from many disciplines who study, create, and are inspired by issues of gender and landscape history: historians, geographers, landscape architects, art historians, urban historians, sociologists, artists, scholars of American and womens studies, and others. Anyone whose discipline uses landscape history or gender to inform or guide his or her efforts should attend." [MD]
Antagonism, Contradiction, Resolution: 1432-1850
November 19-22, 1998 Newport, Rhode Island. The sixth annual conference of the Group for Early Modern Cultural Studies (GEMCS) will explore social, economic, aesthetic, sexual, artistic, political, racial, and philosophic conflict. Of particular interest will be how conflict expressed itself culturally, and what sorts of provisional answers emerged historically. Potential proposal topics include: Battle of the Sexes; Ancients vs. Moderns; Tradition and Innovation; Metaphors of Warfare; Duelling; Conflicts in trade; Merchant and industrial capitalism; and Science vs. poetry. [MD]
CAUSE98: The Networked Academy
December 8-11, 1998 Seattle, WA. CAUSE, the association for managing and using information resources in higher education, announces its 1998 conference on the Networked Academy. Eight tracks/topics have been identified, but participants may propose papers that deal with different issues. The suggested topics include: Distributed Computing and Networking; Application Development in the Age of the Web; Changing Organizational Structures and Information Professional Roles; Staff Development and Training to Meet the Needs of a Distributed Environment ; Curriculum Support in a Networked Academy; and Providing Support in a Networked Environment. [MD]
(For links to additional calls for papers and conference announcements, see the Conference section of the Current Awareness Metapage:
[Back to Contents]Job Guides/Funding Opportunities
H-Net Job Guide
Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science
Crossroads Guide to Employment and Funding Opportunities in American Studies
American Sociological Association Employment Bulletin (April 1998)
Technology Innovation Challenge Grants--US Department of Education
The Technology Innovation Challenge Grant Program offers grants to consortia "that are working to improve & expand new applications of technology to strengthen school reform efforts, improve student achievement, and provide for sustained professional development of teachers, administrators, and school library media personnel." The 1998 Grant Program will focus on professional development programs that provide technology training to teachers and other educators. Additional information is provided at the site and the official guidelines will be available from the site after March 31, 1998. [MD]
(For links to additional Job Guides, see the Employment/Funding section of the Current Awareness Metapage:
[Back to Contents]New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs
Cass R. Sunstein, "Unchecked and Unbalanced: Why the Independent Counsel Act Must Go"--Electronic Policy Network
"Strengths of the Safety Net"--Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Michael A. Stegman, "Electronic Benefit Transfer's Potential to Help the Poor"--Brookings Institution
Cathleen Stasz and James Chiesa, "Education and the New Economy Views from a Policy Planning Exercise"--RAND Institution
Daniel J. Mitchell, "Why Congress Should Repeal the Tax Code"--Heritage Foundation
PDF Version:
Robert E. Scott, "Who Wins From the Sub-Saharan Africa Trade Proposal?"--Economic Policy Institute
(For links to additional new Think Tank publications see the Think Tank Policy Papers section on the Current Awareness Metapage:
[Back to Contents]New Tables of Contents/Abstracts for recent and forthcoming issues are available for the following Journals:[MD]
Theory and Event (full text)
Columbia Journalism Review (full text)
Teacher Magazine (full text)
Journal of Communication (abstracts)
Middle Eastern Studies
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Social Science and Government Data Library
Maintained by UC Berkeley Digital Library Sunsite, this new data library currently contains the following information from the 1990 Census of Population and Housing: Subject Summary Tape File 1 (SSTF 1), questions asked of every household; Summary Tape File 3, questions asked of 1 in 7 households weighted to represent the total population; and Subject Summary Tape File 3, Persons of Hispanic Origin in the US Sample data for this population. Under development are: SSTF 5: Characteristics of the Asian and Pacific Islander Population in the United States to be followed by SSTF 2: Ancestry of the Population in the United States. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Fall Staff Data File 1995 [.pdf, .zip]
The Fall Staff database contains detailed information on staffing for all Post-secondary institutions in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the outlying areas that are eligible to participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. Information gathered from the IPEDS forms used to create this data file include: distribution of full- and part-time staff by primary occupation, sex, and race-ethnicity; full-time faculty by academic rank and tenure; full-time new hires by sex and race-ethnicity; and number of staff by employment status, primary occupation, and sex. Information on software requirements for reading the data is provided. [MD]
[Back to Contents]1990 Census Profiles of Our Ancestry Selected Characteristics by Ancestry Group (CPH-L-149) [.pdf]
Data tables at this site provide characteristics by ancestry group including sex, occupation, marital status, fertility, education, household type, income, and more. Note that some portions of the site are in .pdf format. [MD]
[Back to Contents]1998 HHS Poverty Guidelines
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has recently released the 1998 federal poverty measures. There are two slightly different versions of the federal poverty measure: poverty thresholds and poverty guidelines. Data for both versions are available at this site. Separate data are listed for the 48 states, Alaska, and Hawaii. [MD]
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BBC News Special Report: Crisis in Kosovo
Kosovo Briefing--International Crisis Group (ICG)
Mario's Cyberspace Station: Kosovo Crisis
Kosovo Information Center: Daily Reports
Kosovo On-Line
Statement on Kosovo: London Contact Group Meeting March 9, 1998
Republic of Kosova Home Page
Guidelines on Kosovo and Metohija
This week's In the News discusses the current difficulties in Kosovo. These nine resources offer commentary, analysis, and news from a variety of political and cultural viewpoints. Recent clashes in Kosovo have brought to the surface long-simmering tensions in this region of Yugoslavia. Although Serbs have a strong and long-standing attachment to the region, its population is 90% ethnic Albanian. Kosovo was given autonomy in the revised Yugoslav constitution of 1974, allowing Albanian language schools, the observing of Islamic holy days and giving the province representatives on the old collective federal presidency. However, the Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic took away the province's autonomous status in 1989 and enforced his ruling with a large influx of Serbian police and troops. Albanians in Kosovo responded by boycotting the new governmental institutions and creating their own shadow government. Frustration with the shadow administration's failure to win any concessions from Serbia led to the emergence of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), and more recently, to military/terroristic actions by the KLA. The strong response of the Serbian-controlled police force has brought widespread international condemnation and the threat of renewed sanctions on Serbia. Serbia has since expressed its desire to engage Albanians in a dialogue, but most observers are skeptical of their sincerity.The BBC Special Report Site contains background information, analysis, recent reports, and an interactive map of the region. Mario's Cyberspace Station Kosovo page, based in Croatia, has an impressive number of regional and international links to background and current information on the crisis; these include the Kosovo Liberation Army web page as well as statements by regional politicians, the European Contact Group, and the US Congress. The ICG site provides information on the origin of the conflict, recent events and the current political situation. The Kosovo Information Center, maintained by the Hellenic Resource Network, offers daily updated reports on the situation in Kosovo. Kosovo On-Line, hosted by the Beta Press Agency, contains texts, articles and reactions which are posted simultaneously in Albanian, Serbian and English. The London Contact Group statement condemns the actions of the Serbian police and outlines the actions it believes the international community and Serbia should take to improve the situation in Kosovo. The Republic of Kosova Home Page offers material from the international press relating to Kosovo, with links to the latest news and strong criticism of Serbia. Guidelines on Kosovo and Metohija, provided by the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, outlines the crisis in Kosovo from a strong pro-Serbian viewpoint. The site reflects the views of the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Serbian Resistance Movement and outlines the deep religious and cultural ties felt by many Serbs. [MD]
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The Scout Report for Social Sciences is published every other Tuesday by the Internet Scout Project, located in the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Department of Computer Sciences.
Susan Calcari
Jack Solock Michael de Nie Laura X. Payne |
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Managing Editor Editor Assistant Editor Production Editor |
Copyright Susan Calcari and the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents, 1994-1998. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of the Scout Report for Social Sciences provided the copyright notice and this paragraph is preserved on all copies. The Internet Scout Project provides information about the Internet to the US research and education community under a grant from the National Science Foundation, number NCR-9712163. The Government has certain rights in this material.
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