The Scout Report for Social Sciences
November 17, 1998
A Publication of the Internet Scout Project
Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The target audience of the new Scout Report for Social Sciences is faculty, students, staff, and librarians in the social sciences. Each biweekly issue offers a selective collection of Internet resources covering topics in the field that have been chosen by librarians and content specialists in the given area of study.
The Scout Report for Social Sciences is also provided via email once every two weeks. Subscription information is included at the bottom of each issue.
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- Culturelink
- The Global Reproductive Health Forum @ Harvard
- Administration and Cost of Elections Project
- Population Reference Bureau and PopNet
- The Bibliography of Urban Design
- Archive for Sexology at the Robert Koch-Institut
- Evolution - An Electronic Mailing List
Learning Resources
- Society for Underwater Exploration: Secrets of the Seas
- The Almanac of Politics and Government
- Collapse: Why do Civilizations Fall?
- The Internet Grammar of English
- Canadian Government Information on the Internet
- Legends
- American Sign Language Browser
- STRATNET: Strategic Studies Network
Current Awareness
- Library Juice
- Archaeology on the Net Books Database
- Deepening the Digital Divide: The War on Universal Service -- CME
- Conference Announcements
- Job Guides/Funding Opportunities
- New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs
- New Tables of Contents/Abstracts for recent and forthcoming issues
New Data
- Revision of the World Population Estimates and Projections -- UN POPIN
- International Health Care Chart Books -- The Commonwealth Fund
- State and Federal Corrections Information Systems: An Inventory of Data Elements and an Assessment of Reporting Capabilities -- USDOJ
In The News
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Culturelink [Frames]
Dubbed "the Network of Networks for Research and Cooperation in Cultural Development," Culturelink interconnects more than 1,000 networks and member organizations from 97 countries worldwide. Established by UNESCO and the Council of Europe, Culturelink facilitates the dissemination of intercultural information, as well as aiding international collaboration on research projects promoting cultural development, management, and education. The Culturelink Website provides access to online databases (the Cultural Policy Database and the Cultural Development Database); posts reports and reviews of research projects; offers the full text of Culturelink, a quarterly publication of Culturelink; and maintains a calendar of related events and activities. [AO]
[Back to Contents]The Global Reproductive Health Forum @ Harvard
The Global Reproductive Health Forum @ Harvard (GRHF), a Website maintained by the Harvard School of Public Health, promotes the discussion of gender, reproductive rights, and sexual health, as well as distributing diverse educational information about these issues. The GRHF contains nine topic sections; each section provides an organized compilation of briefly annotated Internet resources, including mailing lists, Websites, and electronic publications. Sections cover issues such as Gender, Biology, and Technology; Reproductive Rights; Population and Family Planning; and Maternal Health. The GRHF also hosts an interactive bulletin board, allowing visitors to post and respond to messages relevant to reproductive health. The entire site is searchable. A Spanish version of the GRHF is available, and a French version is under construction. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Administration and Cost of Elections Project [Frames, JavaScript, .pdf]
The Administration and Cost of Elections (ACE) Project Website "explores alternatives in election administration, functions, processes, and costs." The site aims to expand the available choices for the organization of elections, present the implications of these choices, and offer assistance to the electoral administrators who manage elections. To date, approximately 1,800 documents have been converted to an electronic format for inclusion at the site. Information is divided into nine topics areas: Electoral Systems, Legislative Framework, Electoral Management, Boundary Delimitation, Voter Education, Voter Registration, Voting operations, Parties & Candidates, and Vote Counting. Each topic area provides a detailed index, making document retrieval an easy task. The ACE Project is a joint effort of the International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES), the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA), and the United Nations Department for Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA). [AO]
[Back to Contents]Population Reference Bureau and PopNet
Population Reference Bureau [.pdf, JavaScript]
PopNet [Frames]
The Population Reference Bureau (PRB), a nonprofit educational organization, aims "to increase the amount, accuracy, and usefulness of information about population trends and their implications." In addition to general organizational information, PRB's Website provides a selection of full-text articles, excerpts of published reports, and statistical summaries related to world population studies. The News, Numbers, & Analysis section allows users to locate relevant documents quickly; pop-up menus guide users to collections arranged by population topic or geographic region. PRB also maintains PopNet, an extensive directory of population information resources available on the Web. PopNet, "the Source of Global Population Information," contains numerous annotated listings of public and private population organizations around the world. Users may browse the PopNet directory by organization type, geographic region, or subject area. The directory is also searchable by keyword. [AO]
[Back to Contents]The Bibliography of Urban Design [Frames]
Compiled by Michael Biddulph, a lecturer in the Department of Civic Design at the University of Liverpool, the Bibliography of Urban Design indexes over 1,000 relevant bibliographic citations garnered from journals, books, and working papers. Biddulph has added tremendous value to this compilation by constructing a controlled list of subject terms, facilitating citation retrieval for users conducting subject searches. Users simply select a subject term from a menu of terms to retrieve all documents related to that subject. Definitions for all of the controlled subject terms are provided to assist searchers. Users may also conduct cross-field bibliographic queries; searchable fields include author, title, publication year, editor, journal name, and publisher. The bibliography is updated monthly. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Archive for Sexology at the Robert Koch-Institut [Frames]
The Robert Koch-Institut in Berlin created the Archive for Sexology "to promote, protect, and preserve sexual health." The archive contains papers and reviews related to sexual health, several syllabi for graduate and undergraduate courses in sexology, and a history of sexology. The history section includes information about the theoretical foundations of sexology, a chronology of sex research, and brief biographies on the pioneers of sexology. Additionally, the archive maintains an extensive worldwide directory of relevant organizations, resource centers, training programs, and journals.
[Back to Contents]Evolution - An Electronic Mailing List
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This new moderated mailing list will serve as a forum for the scholarly discussion of evolutionary theory. The forum will focus on the topics of evolutionary psychology, evolutionary epistemology, evolutionary ethics, and evolutionary psychopathology. This site hosts the mailing list and archives original texts that discuss the socio-psychological aspects of evolution. The archive contains writings by Charles Darwin, William James, and Thomas Henry Huxley, among others. [AO]
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Society for Underwater Exploration: Secrets of the Seas [JavaScript, RealPlayer]
The Society for Underwater Exploration is a newly founded organization that sponsors the investigation and excavation of subaqueous archaeological sites worldwide. The society has recently launched a stunning Website that provides information about the society and chronicles the expeditions of Franck Goddio and his team of archaeologists. Currently, the site features the exploration and discoveries of the underwater ruins of the ancient city of Alexandria, submerged 1600 years ago by earthquake-induced tidal waves. The current expedition has uncovered the Palace of Cleopatra and many valuable artifacts, and has also led to the discovery of shipwrecks near Aboukir, Egypt. The sunken French ships, part of Napoleon Bonaparte's fleet, were destroyed in 1798 by Admiral Nelson's British fleet, during the battle of the Nile. The society has just begun excavating the wrecks, and will document the work. The society's site also includes video clips demonstrating the archaeological techniques used by their team, as well as an archive of past expeditions. [AO]
[Back to Contents]The Almanac of Politics and Government
The new online Almanac of Politics and Government is a comprehensive reference tool, providing over 1,300 Web pages of political and governmental information about nations worldwide. The almanac's coverage emphasizes the US political system but also includes information about world governments and international organizations. Additionally, the almanac contains a collection of important US political documents, an international political history section, and a political calendar, which lists upcoming elections and legislative schedules of governments around the globe. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Collapse: Why do Civilizations Fall?
Collapse: Why do Civilizations Fall? is an educational exhibit recently added to the Annenberg/CPB Projects Learner Online site (described in the September 12, 1997 Scout Report). The exhibit explores the decline of ancient civilizations in four regions of the world: the Maya of Copan, the Anasazi of the Chaco Canyon, the Mashkan-shapir of Mesopotamia, and the empires of Mali and Songhai of Timbuktu. The site presents the theories and investigative methods employed by archaeologists to study the decline of these great societies. In addition, special features allow visitors to study excavation clues from the ancient city of Copan and to examine the revealing science of "garbage-ology." Web links relevant to the online exhibition, along with a short bibliography, provide material for further investigation into the downfall of ancient civilizations. [AO]
[Back to Contents]The Internet Grammar of English [Frames, JavaScript]
Written and designed for undergraduate students, the Internet Grammar of English (IGE) explains the functions and relations of word classes in English sentences, in order to teach readers the principles and rules governing grammatical structure. The IGE consists of an introduction and five chapters: Word Classes, Introducing Phrases, Clauses and Sentences, Form and Function, and Functions in Phrases. A series of three dozen interactive exercises correspond to the lessons in the grammar. The IGE is extremely easy to navigate and may be used as a reference source as well as an instructional tool. It includes a detailed table of contents, a glossary of terms, and a complete index. Moreover, the entire site is searchable by keyword. The IGE was produced by the Survey of English Usage, a research team within the English Department of the University College London.
[Back to Contents]Canadian Government Information on the Internet
Canadian Government Information on the Internet (CGII) serves as a reference guide to publicly available government information, providing access to a wealth of Internet-based resources. CGII consists of seven sections: Major Sites, Federal Information, Provincial Information, Municipal Information, Discussion Lists, Library Catalogues, and Electronic Journals. Each section contains an orderly collection of annotated links. The strengths of CGII, as a metasite collocating Canadian government information, reside in its thoughtful organization and the usefulness of its well-written annotations. CGII is maintained by the Government of Canada's Depository Services Program (DSP); content is contributed by document specialists nationwide, and CGII's creator, Anita Cannon, a reference librarian at Mount Allison University, acts as the managing editor. CGII is also available in French. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Legends
Legends delves into the resplendent world of folklore and mythology, exploring the literature and history of legendary tales and characters. This site, created and edited by Paula Katherine Marmor, offers essays and historical surveys on famous legends and guides visitors to other legendary resources on the Web. The varied scope of Legends includes explorations of the tales associated with King Arthur, Robin Hood, and Beowulf, among others. The site contains twelve major sections, some of which are devoted to legendary themes such as Swashbucklers & Fops, Sagas & Sea-Kings, and Paladins & Princes. Most major sections have subsections, which focus on aspects of the major sections. [AO]
[Back to Contents]American Sign Language Browser [Frames, Quicktime]
The American Sign Language (ASL) Browser, developed by the Communication Technology Laboratory at Michigan State University, indexes video clips that demonstrate thousands of ASL signs. To view a video clip illustrating an ASL sign, users select a word or phrase from 1 of 26 alphabetical lists. Written instructions explaining how to make each sign accompany every video clip. Each clip in this visual dictionary is a Quicktime movie of about 100K. [AO]
[Back to Contents]STRATNET: Strategic Studies Network [Java]
The University of Calgary's Strategic Studies Program developed STRATNET to provide a network of research resources germane to the study of international relations, security, and politics. STRATNET includes three main sections: StratChat, an interactive discussion forum; StratLink, a well-organized collection of hundreds of annotated strategic studies pointers; and StratJournal, which contains a multidisciplinary online journal entitled STRATNET. In addition, the site provides information about the fellows and the outreach projects of the Strategic Studies Program at the University of Calgary. [AO]
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(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the Social Sciences Current Awareness Metapage: Juice
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Library Juice is a current awareness newsletter for librarians and other information professionals, published weekly by editor-librarian Rory Litwin. Each issue of Library Juice compiles recent news, articles, and announcements gleaned from a wide range of mailing lists related to librarianship, information science, intellectual freedom, and social responsibility. The Website posts the current issue of the newsletter and maintains an archive of all past issues. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Archaeology on the Net Books Database
UK Index:
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Archaeology on the Net maintains a Books Database of over 7,500 titles in the fields of ancient history, anthropology, and archaeology. Users may search the database by keyword or browse a table of 80 subject headings to locate desired items. To identify new titles, researchers can consult the Recent Publications lists posted each month. The site also manages a moderated mailing list, ARCHPUB, which announces new titles and allows subscribers to discuss and review archaeological publications. The Books Database is produced in association with; consequently, users may order publications directly from the site. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Deepening the Digital Divide: The War on Universal Service -- CME [Frames]
For over 60 years, Universal Service policies have ensured equal access to the telecommunications infrastructure for all Americans, regardless of income or geographic location. Since Congress passed the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which deregulated the highly profitable telecommunications industry, Universal Service programs have been under attack by conservative factions. This report, recently published by the Center for Media Education as part of its Connecting Children to the Future project, explains the intrinsic value of Universal Service while addressing critics who wish to eliminate it. The report argues that the elimination of Universal Services programs, which would place the onus of equitable access into the beneficent hands of the free market, will only increase the expanding digital divide between information "haves" and "have-nots." [AO]
[Back to Contents]World Archaeological Congress 4
January 10-11, 1999 Cape Town, South Africa. The Fourth World Archaeological Congress, hosted by the University of Cape Town, will feature symposia exploring topics such as Identity, Nationalism and Local Voices; Archaeology and Repatriation; Art, Cognition and Beliefs; and Archaeological Techniques. The overarching theme of the keynote lectures will be Archaeology at the Millennium. The preliminary program of the conference is now available online. [AO]
International Conference on Cognitive Science
July 27-30, 1999 Tokyo, Japan. The Japanese Cognitive Science Society will sponsor the Second International Conference on Cognitive Science, to be held at Waseda University next July. The conference will examine all aspects of current cognitive research, including its psychological, philosophical, linguistic, anthropological, and scientific elements. Abstract submissions are now being accepted for oral and poster presentations. The deadline for submissions is January 31, 1999. [AO]
Race in 21st Century America
April 7-10, 1999. East Lansing, Michigan. This conference will investigate the social, economic, and political "systems of power and privilege in the United States" and discuss their effect on American society. Hosted by the Julian Samora Research Institute at Michigan State University, the conference will feature panel presentations on various topics, including The Origins of the Concept of "Race;" The Evolution of Whiteness; and Multiculturalism: Hybridity, Unity and Diversity. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Job Guides/Funding Opportunities
H-Net Job Guide
Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science
American Anthropological Association -- Positions Open (November)
1999 National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminars and Institutes for College and University Teachers
Sabbatical Fellowship for the Humanities and Social Sciences -- American Philosophical Society
[Back to Contents]New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs
Matzzie, Thomas. "1998 Election Spells the Beginning of the End of Social Security Privatization" -- The Campaign for America's Future
Sawhill, Isabel V. "Teen Pregnancy Prevention: Welfare Reform's Missing Component" -- The Brookings Institution
Shapiro, Daniel. "The Moral Case for Social Security Privatization" -- The Cato Institute
.pdf version:
"State of the Balkans" -- International Crisis Group
Teixeira, Ruy. "Waitress Moms and Technician Dads: The Story Behind the 1998 Election Results" -- Economic Policy Institute
.pdf version:
[Back to Contents]New Tables of Contents/Abstracts for recent and forthcoming issues
Cultural Survival Quarterly
Educational Technology & Society (full text)
Harvard Educational Review (abstracts and full text)
Journal of the Association for History and Computing (full text)
Labor History
Strategic Assessment -- JCSS Quarterly (full text)
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Revision of the World Population Estimates and Projections -- UN POPIN
The United Nations Population Information Network (POPIN) has recently published an online briefing packet highlighting the 1998 revisions to world population estimates and projections. Site contents include summaries, tables, and graphs. Data for measures related to world population are clearly displayed in ten discrete sections. Among the many statistical measures, are data on current population estimates for every country in the world, projections of global population to the year 2050, and fertility rates worldwide. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Multinational Comparisons of Health Care -- The Commonwealth Fund
Highlights of the 1998 Multinational Comparisons of Health Care
The Commonwealth Fund has posted two chart books on international health care data. The first, Highlights of the 1998 Multinational Comparisons of Health Care, provides thirteen charts that assess and compare the performance of health care systems in eight countries: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, the UK, and the US. The charts are focused on four aspects of health care systems: health expenditures, insurance coverage, financing and delivery, and outcomes. A short report summarizes the results of the data. The second chart book provides eighteen charts displaying the results of the 1998 Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey. The survey evaluates the concerns, opinions, and problems of patients in five countries: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK, and the US. [AO]
[Note: Site title has changed since the original Scout Report review. Site formerly referred to in the Scout Report as "International Health Care Chart Books -- The Commonwealth Fund."]
[Back to Contents]State and Federal Corrections Information Systems: An Inventory of Data Elements and an Assessment of Reporting Capabilities -- USDOJ
This report, published by the US Bureau of Justice Statistics, inventories and evaluates 207 data elements used in State and Federal offender-based information systems. The study determines which data elements corrections departments collect and maintain in their information systems, assesses the reporting capabilities of these systems, and organizes the myriad data elements into related categories. The study was conducted in order to determine a defined set of performance indicators for correctional administrators, and to provide researchers with a means to perform interinstitutional research. The report is available in .pdf and ASCII formats; supporting spreadsheets are provided for the .pdf version. [AO]
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Indonesia's Struggle for Democracy
Indonesia Special Report --
Indonesia After Suharto -- BBC News Special Report
Antara News Wire
Special Session of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) -- Department of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Indonesia
People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia
DKI Jakarta
Indonesia: Jakarta Killings Need International Response -- Human Rights Watch
Demonstrations in Indonesia: The Armed Forces at a Crossroads -- Amnesty International
The Candidates: Indonesian Power Games -- Out There News
This week's In the News examines struggle for democracy in Indonesia. These nine resources provide background information, the latest news, political analysis, and primary documents. Last week in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta, peaceful pro-democracy demonstrations turned violent when security forces shot plastic bullets, tear-gas, and water cannons at thousands of student protesters. At least sixteen people were killed and hundreds were injured in the four days of brutal rioting that ensued. The bloody demonstrations coincided with a special session of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) -- the 1,000-member legislative body of Indonesia -- which met to debate and enact constitutional reforms that would dismantle the autocratic political system created by former President Suharto during his 32-year rule. When current Indonesian President B.J. Habibie assumed power from Suharto six months ago (see the June 2, 1998 Scout Report for Social Sciences), he promised sweeping political reforms that would establish a legitimate democracy in his nation of 210 million citizens. However, the recent reforms drafted by Habibie and the MPR during the special assembly did not meet the expectations of pro-democracy protesters, sparking the clashes with government forces and a renewed cry for reform. Yesterday, in a return to peaceful demonstration, student protesters called for a three-day general strike and a period of national mourning, in the wake of the bloodshed. Meanwhile, a gravid calm descended on Jakarta, as order was restored and government police detained and interrogated the putative leaders of the political unrest.'s Indonesia Special Report provides breaking news, an overview of the current situation in Indonesia, a time line of events, analysis, opinion, and a photo gallery. BBC News also offers a special report, which includes the latest news, the background of the political and economic tumult, profiles of key figures, full text of important speeches, and links to related sites. The official news agency of Indonesia, Antara, maintains a site that carries their bilingual newswire. The English version of Antara includes current news reports and an archive of news articles and photographs. The Republic of Indonesia's Department of Foreign Affairs has created a site specifically for the Special Session of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR). The site includes a program, drafts of decrees and decisions, links to the text of speeches and statements, and news items. The MPR also has a government Website, providing visitors with general information about Indonesia's legislative body. DKI Jakarta is the official site of the municipal government of Jakarta, Indonesia's capital, and provides historical, geographic, economic, and political information about the city. Human Rights Watch has posted a reaction to the violence in Indonesia: Indonesia: Jakarta Killings Need International Response. Likewise, Amnesty International has published Demonstrations in Indonesia: The Armed Forces at a Crossroads, questioning the brutality of Indonesian riot police. Out There News speculates about who will emerge as the future leader of Indonesia in The Candidates: Indonesian Power Games. [AO]
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Brought to You by the Internet Scout Project
The Scout Report for Social Sciences is published every other Tuesday by the Internet Scout Project, located in the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Department of Computer Sciences.
Susan Calcari
Andrew Osmond Travis Koplow |
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