The Scout Report for Social Sciences
December 15, 1998
A Publication of the Internet Scout Project
Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The target audience of the new Scout Report for Social Sciences is faculty, students, staff, and librarians in the social sciences. Each biweekly issue offers a selective collection of Internet resources covering topics in the field that have been chosen by librarians and content specialists in the given area of study.
The Scout Report for Social Sciences is also provided via email once every two weeks. Subscription information is included at the bottom of each issue.
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- Social Science Information Gateway (SOSIG) Updates
- esp@cenet
- Institute for the Study of Conflict, Ideology, and Policy -- Boston University
- Two Databases from the International Labour Organization
- Three New JSTOR Titles
- Two Bibliographies from the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis
- south-east-europe-forum
Learning Resources
- Toys Through Time -- Encyclopaedia Britannica
- Soft Money Laundromat -- Common Cause
- Chaucer: An Annotated Guide to Online Resources
- Communications Theory / Gender / Identity Resources
- Geographic Learning Site -- US State Department
- Political Advocacy Groups
- International Cultural Property Protection -- USIA
- TheatrePedia: The ELAC Internet Theatre Library
- Bethlehem 2000 -- UNESCO
Current Awareness
- Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality
- Current Issues in Education
- Child Care Challenges -- Children's Defense Fund
- Conferences
- Job Guides/ Funding
- New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs
- New Tables of Content/ Abstracts
New Data
- Statistical Abstract of the United States 1998 -- US Census Bureau
- The Arson & Explosives National Repository -- ATF
- Fall Enrollment in Postsecondary Institutions, 1996 -- NCES
In The News
SOSIG North American Mirror
Please note that the Social Science Information Gateway (SOSIG) is updating the underlying software for its site. Until the update is completed, the Internet Scout North American mirror will temporarily suspend its synchronization with the SOSIG main site. The mirror contains information that was current as of December 7, 1998, but does not reflect the updates described below.
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Social Science Information Gateway (SOSIG) Updates
US Mirror:
The Social Science Information Gateway (SOSIG) Internet Catalogue (described in the October 24, 1997 Scout Report) has made some significant changes to its valuable service. Updates include the addition of seamless cross-searching and -browsing capabilities with the Biz/ed database (see September 20, 1996 Scout Report); a new automatically generated SOSIG Link Harvester Index, which contains more than 50,000 social science URLs; an updated version of the SOSIG Thesaurus, which now displays hierarchical relationships with an "explode" function; new subject guides written by SOSIG Section Editors, which provide information about high-quality Internet resources in sixteen separate subject areas within the social sciences; and the addition of a new search field in the Advanced Search interface: Resource Type, which allows users to limit their searching or browsing to one of twenty different resource types, such as datasets, full-text journals, or government publications. [AO]
[Back to Contents]esp@cenet [JavaScript, Frames, .pdf]
esp@cenet is a distributed Internet patent information search system recently launched by the United Kingdom Patent Office. The system, which contains patents published in the last two years, allows users to search six separate patent databases: UK patents, European (EP) patents, PCT (WO) patents, Worldwide patents, Japanese patents, and a combined database that contains patents from sixteen European countries. Search queries yield patent bibliographic data with abstracts, patent descriptions, and patent claims, as well as patent images and drawings in .pdf format. Users should note that esp@cenet is not intended to be comprehensive; it provides "only limited search functionality across a limited range of patent applications." [AO]
[Back to Contents]Institute for the Study of Conflict, Ideology, and Policy -- Boston University
Boston University's Institute for the Study of Conflict, Ideology, and Policy (ISCIP) studies the political and security developments of "conflict-prone societies in crisis, particularly Russia and other post-Soviet republics." ISCIP analyzes the "destabilizing factors" of these republics to inform and advise US policymakers. This Website features ISCIP publications written by research specialists studying the political transformations in the Russian Federation and the Newly Independent States. The full-text editions of Editorial Digest, a biweekly review of current events, and Perspective, a bimonthly scholarly journal of regional analysis, are posted at the site for current and archived issues. In addition, the site provides abstracts, reviews, and tables of contents for policy books published on post-Soviet nations. ISCIP also provides access to its document database, which contains the text of over 60,000 items collected by institute researchers. Although the document database is searchable, the search facility is unwieldy, and users are advised to read the detailed search instructions provided. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Two Databases from the International Labour Organization
The International Labour Organization (ILO) provides these two publicly available databases. The first database, ILODOC, contains over 50,000 bibliographic records of documents published by the ILO and various other international organizations from 1919 to the present. Updated weekly, the broad scope of ILODOC encompasses information published on issues of labor, employment, occupational health, socioeconomic development, and labor management. NATLEX, the second database, contains more than 40,000 bibliographic citations gleaned from publications on the labor laws, social security, and human rights issues of 180 nations worldwide. Approximately 3,000 new records are added to NATLEX each year, in an effort to develop the most comprehensive legislative database covering international labor law. Both databases may be searched or browsed via the three working languages of the ILO: English, Spanish, and French. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Three New JSTOR Titles
The Annals of Applied Probability
Statistical Science
Participating JSTOR Sites:
JSTOR has recently added one philosophy title and two statistics titles to its collection of full-text online journals. Mind, a leading philosophical journal published by the Oxford University Press, includes volumes 1-16, 1876-1891; and the New Series, volumes 1-99, 1892-1990. The Annals of Applied Probability and Statistical Science are published by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. These two journals explore the theories and applications of statistics and probability. The Annals of Applied Probability includes volumes 1-2, 1991-1992. Statistical Science includes volumes 1-7, 1986-1992. Note: access to JSTOR content is currently available only on a site license basis to academic institutions. A list of institutions with site licenses is available. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Two Bibliographies from the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis
Bibliography of Indigenous Knowledge and Institutions
Bibliography on Game Theory
Workshop Research Library Bibliographies
Compiled by M. Charlotte Hess of the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis at Indiana University, these new bibliographies provide extensive coverage of two major research areas. The first lists 1,123 citations relevant to the study of indigenous knowledge and institutions worldwide. The second organizes 909 citations on the study of game theory. Both extensive bibliographies are presented as large HTML files; hence, users must rely on their browsers' Find functions to search for desired items. These bibliographies are two of the ten posted by the Workshop Research Library. Other bibliographies cover topics such as Institutional Analysis and Development, Self-Governance, and Citizen Participation. [AO]
[Back to Contents]south-east-europe-forum
South East European Research Unit -- University of Glasgow
This new electronic discussion list, created by the South East European Research Unit at the University of Glasgow, aims to be an interdisciplinary forum for academics and researchers interested in the socio-cultural and geopolitical issues of southeastern Europe. The forum will emphasize discussion of the major transitional processes occurring in the Balkans, promote the exchange of scholarly information, and foster understanding of the region. [AO]
To subscribe, send a message to:
In the body of the message, type:
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Toys Through Time -- Encyclopaedia Britannica [Frames]
Text version:
Toys Through Time, the latest Spotlight feature produced by the editors at Encyclopaedia Britannica online, chronicles the history and development of children's toys from the sixteenth century to the present. The many toys highlighted in the retrospective include timeless playthings like toy soldiers, doll houses, and clockwork toys, as well as contemporary classics such as GI Joe, the Easy-Bake Oven, and Pong. Users navigate through the site by way of a timeline. Specific dates on the timeline correspond to multimedia articles recounting the histories of certain toys. Articles include brief bibliographies and links to relevant sites. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Soft Money Laundromat -- Common Cause
Last week, Common Cause launched the Soft Money Laundromat, an online database of unlimited and unregulated monetary contributions to US political parties. The searchable database contains information on special interest soft money contributions to the Democratic and Republican parties since 1995. Users may search by soft money donor, donor location, or industry group. The site also profiles the top soft money donors, outlining their legislative and lobbying agenda, and explains how soft money is used to influence and corrupt the US political process. Users unfamiliar with soft money contributions may want to consult a well-organized FAQ, which provides background information on the origin of soft money, the loopholes in political contribution law, and the status of campaign finance reform. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Chaucer: An Annotated Guide to Online Resources
Geoffrey Chaucer -- courtier, diplomat, and poet -- is arguably one of the most important figures in English literature. His philosophically profound, yet at times bawdy, body of work represents true mastery of narrative art. David Wilson-Okamura, a Chaucer enthusiast and PhD candidate at the University of Chicago, has compiled Chaucer: An Annotated Guide to Online Resources to provide easy access to high-quality online information on the great late fourteenth-century poet. The selective guide, which offers succinct annotations divided into eleven well-organized sections, covers all aspects of Chaucerian scholarship. Sections are devoted to historical and cultural backgrounds, scholarly bibliographies, biographies, literary commentaries, images and illustrations, linguistic supplements, critical analyses, teaching tools, study guides, and online texts. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Communications Theory / Gender / Identity Resources [JavaScript]
David Gauntlett, a Lecturer in Social Communications at the Institute of Communications Studies, University of Leeds, has compiled a unique collection of resources to complement the study of communications theory. This sleek compendium introduces the important ideas associated with the socio-cultural concept of identity; explores the position of role models within popular culture; and outlines the principles of gender studies, feminism, and queer theory. In addition, the site profiles the work of four important thinkers in communications theory: Judith Butler, Michel Foucault, Theodor Adorno, and Antonio Gramsci. Each profile also includes a select bibliography and links to relevant sites. As a supplement to the information available at the site, Dr. Gauntlett provides a brief annotated bibliography of recently published books on topics related to media and identity. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Geographic Learning Site -- US State Department [Flash, Frames]
Text-only version:
Designed by the State Department's Office of the Geographer and Global Issues, the Geographic Learning Site (GLS) functions as an instructional resource for teaching world geography and international affairs to K-12 students. The GLS, especially the Challenging World section, emphasizes the five geographic themes delineated by the National Geography Standards: location, place, human/ environment interaction, population movement, and regions. The site is divided into four major sections. The first, Where Do US Diplomats Work?, provides teachers and students with information about US embassies, consulates, and other diplomatic posts located in countries worldwide, including maps and data about every nation. In Traveling With the Secretary, students are able to "follow" Secretary of State Madeleine Albright on a recent diplomatic visit to gain a better understanding of foreign affairs. The Challenging World section, which is divided into three subsections based on grade level, explores geographic topics associated with the Secretary of State's "seven key national interests to guide international relations." The fourth major section, World Geographic News, posts information about cartographic and geographic issues recently in the news. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Political Advocacy Groups
Recently published by Kathi Fountain, a reference librarian at Creighton University, Political Advocacy Groups is an online directory of US political pressure groups, special interest groups, and lobbyists. Currently, this orderly directory compiles complete contact information for and provides brief organizational descriptions of more than 200 groups, spanning the political spectrum. Users may browse the directory by way of 35 subject categories or via an alphabetical list of all organizations. [AO]
[Back to Contents]International Cultural Property Protection -- USIA
The United States Information Agency (described in the June 9, 1995 Scout Report) has posted this new Website to promote public awareness of International Cultural Property Protection and the US role in protecting, preserving, and conserving cultural property. The site provides background information on protecting cultural artifacts worldwide, examines the international problem of pillage, and links to recent reports, articles, and news items related to issues of looting, theft, prosecution, and recovery. In addition, the site's research section links to important international agencies and primary sources, including the texts of major US and international legislation, multi- and bilateral agreements, and international conventions. [AO]
[Back to Contents]TheatrePedia: The ELAC Internet Theatre Library
The TheatrePedia, developed by the East Los Angeles College (ELAC) Theatre Arts Department, is "an online theatre-research library containing information about the history, aesthetics, and technique of theatre." The searchable TheatrePedia contains entries on dramatic criticism, theatre terms, and important plays and characters, as well as brief biographical entries on famous playwrights, directors, actors, producers, and managers. The TheatrePedia also indexes major plays by author and title, and links to online texts if available. In addition, the site provides a Craft & Career section, which includes compendia of resources on dramatic writing, directing, acting, and stagecraft. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Bethlehem 2000 -- UNESCO [Java]
Bethlehem 2000, a project of UNESCO and the Programme of Action in Favour of the Palestinian People, is a campaign to historically preserve and peacefully rehabilitate Bethlehem, universally revered by Muslims, Jews, and Christians. This site, created to raise awareness of the project, is "a roving photographic exhibition" that displays a series of over 70 images, documenting contemporary life in Bethlehem, while capturing the cultural legacy of twenty centuries of history. The online exhibition contains photographic collections devoted to the Church of the Nativity, Other Religious Buildings, People and Houses, and Bethlehem's Outskirts. [AO]
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(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the Social Sciences Current Awareness Metapage: Journal of Human Sexuality
The Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality (EJHS), published by the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, is a new peer-reviewed publication covering all aspects of human sexuality research. EJHS provides abstracts and the full text of research articles, doctoral dissertations, conference papers and posters, and general interest articles. Some of the content of the inaugural volume includes Sexological Interviewing Techniques by Janice Epp, PhD; The Meaning of Sex by Marty Klein, PhD; a research study on consent for sexual behavior by David S. Hall, PhD; and a study on the sexual lives of former nuns by Jacqueline "Fran" Fisher, PhD [AO]
[Back to Contents]Current Issues in Education
Current Issues in Education (CIE) is a new peer-reviewed electronic journal published by the College of Education at Arizona State University. CIE intends to provide full-text scholarly articles addressing educational theory and practice on topics such as curriculum and instruction, educational policy, learning psychology, instructional technology, school counseling, and research methodology. This new journal encourages the utilization of emerging Web technologies; consequently, browser plug-ins may be required to access some content in the journal. The Fall 1998 issue, Volume 1 Number 1, is now available online. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Child Care Challenges -- Children's Defense Fund [.pdf]
Child Care Challenges, a recent report published by the Child Care and Development Division of the Children's Defense Fund, is a state-by-state analysis of the latest data "on [annual] child care costs, and supply and affordability problems facing America's low-income working families." The report is divided into 50 chapters, one for each state. Each chapter summarizes state-level data, describes the problems surrounding the availability of affordable, high-quality child care, and highlights the need for "increased state and federal investments, and greater involvement from other sectors." Chapters are between fifteen and twenty pages and are presented in .pdf format only. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Organization of American Historians
April 22-25, 1999 Toronto, Ontario Canada. The theme for the next annual meeting of the Organization of American Historians will be "State and Society in North America: Processes of Social Power and Social Change." The conference will feature 160 sessions, many of which focus on "Canadian history, comparative history and the international role of the United States." In addition, three plenary sessions will highlight the four-day conference: The Internationalization of American History, In the Shadow of the Giant: Conducting Canada's Foreign Policy on the Border of the Lone Superpower, and Social Democrats in Power. Online registration for the meeting began on Monday December 14. [AO]
New Challenges for Scholarly Communication in the Digital Era
March 26-27, 1999 Washington, DC. This conference will discuss the future of scholarly communication and examine how new communications technologies are "changing roles and expectations in the academic community." Preliminary panel topics include Getting Ahead in the Digital World, What Does it Mean to Publish?, and Economics of Scholarly Communication, among others. The interorganizational event is sponsored by the American Association of University Professors, the American Council of Learned Societies, the Association of American University Presses, the Association of Research Libraries, and the Coalition for Networked Information. [AO]
Visual Cultures & Visual Literacies: Changing Ways of Imaging Science & Society -- IVSA
July 14-18, 1999 Antwerp, Belgium. The International Visual Sociology Association (IVSA) will provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of research that examines the impact of emerging imaging technologies on methodologies in the social and natural sciences. Specifically, this interdisciplinary conference, hosted by the University of Antwerp, will explore how scientists integrate "the visual into their research, scholarly communication, and teaching." [AO]
[Back to Contents]H-Net Job Guide
Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science
Community of Science Funding Opportunities
[Back to Contents]New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs
Brecher, Charles, Elizabeth Roistacher, and Sheila Spiezio. "Media and Communications Industries in New York City" -- Citizens Budget Commission
.pdf version Part I:
.pdf version Part II:
Feld, Peter, Courtney Matlock, and David R. Sandman. "Insuring the Children of New York City's Low-Income Families" -- The Commonwealth Fund
Galper, Joshua. "An Exploration of Social Capital, Giving and Volunteering at the United States County Level" -- The Urban Institute
.pdf version:
Kremer, Michael. "Restructuring Social Security Taxes" -- The Brookings Institution
Spring, Baker. "Accept No Russian Conditions to START II Treaty" -- The Heritage Foundation
.pdf version:
[Back to Contents]New Tables of Content/ Abstracts
Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities
The APA Monitor Online (full-text)
Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies
Web Journal of Current Legal Issues (full-text)
Workplace: the journal for academic labor (full-text)
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Statistical Abstract of the United States 1998 -- US Census Bureau [.pdf, 1020 p.]
The US Census Bureau has released the online version of the 118th edition of the Statistical Abstract of the United States, an annual compendium of statistics profiling the social, demographic, and economic conditions in the US. The 1998 edition contains almost 1,700 tables and graphs, which present summaries of local, state, regional, national, and selected international data, including "93 new tables covering topics such as women's health, school violence, home-based businesses, and bank fees and services." Data are organized into 31 statistical sections to facilitate access to the numerous tables, graphs, and figures. The 1995 through 1997 editions of the Statistical Abstract are also provided at the site, alongside the 1998 edition in a tabular format. [AO]
[Back to Contents]The Arson & Explosives National Repository -- ATF [Frames]
The Arson & Explosives National Repository, hosted by the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms(ATF), currently includes three database systems, providing statistics gathered by the ATF, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the US Fire Administration (USFA). The first database, the Explosives Incident System (EXIS), contains several data tables that detail the arson and explosives incidents reported to the ATF from 1975 to 1995. The second database, the USFA's National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS), provides the "world's largest national annual database of fire incident information." NFIRS offers annual data tables for a range of fire incidents from 1981 to 1995. The third database in the repository, Church Arson Task Force Data, presents data on church arsons and bombings from 1995 to 1997; data are displayed in tables, charts, and graphs. Besides providing a list of available data, each system allows users to conduct customizable queries. Within each system, users may search for incident data within a specified date range, or produce a five-year incident summary for any state in the US. [AO]
[Back to Contents]Fall Enrollment in Postsecondary Institutions, 1996 -- NCES [.pdf, 57 p.]
This report, released December 8 by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), provides detailed information about students enrolled in degree-granting postsecondary institutions in the United States for the fall term of 1996. The report presents data in 26 tables and figures, and provides a summary of findings in five major sections: Characteristics of Enrolled Students, Types of Institutions Attended, Attendance Status, Changes in Enrollment: 1992-98, and Enrollment by State. The data are from the Fall Enrollment survey, a component of the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) of the US Department of Education. [AO]
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Impending Impeachment Vote
Clinton Accused --
The President Under Fire -- The New York Times
Investigation of the President --
Guide to Impeachment and Censure Materials Online -- JURIST: The Law Professors' Network
The Impeachment Debate -- Online NewsHour, PBS
Impeachment Inquiry of President Bill Clinton -- National Public Radio
Impeachment Inquiry -- Committee on the Judiciary, US House of Representatives
This week's In the News focuses on the forthcoming debate and vote in the US House of Representatives. These seven resources provide background information, primary materials, recent news, political commentary, and legal analysis. On Friday and Saturday of last week, the House Judiciary Committee, after weeks of partisan debate, drafted and approved four articles of impeachment against President William Clinton. The first article alleges that Clinton, during his appearance before a grand jury last August, "provided perjurious, false, and misleading testimony" concerning his lawsuit with Paula Jones and his relationship with Monica Lewinsky. The second article also alleges that Clinton committed perjury, citing two instances of misleading testimony given in Paula Jones case: the first occurring in December 1997 during Clinton's responses to written questions, the second occurring during his January deposition. The third article of impeachment alleges that Clinton, in relation to the Jones case, committed acts that "prevented, obstructed, and impeded the administration of justice" in seven instances between December 7, 1997 and January 26, 1998. The fourth and final article alleges that Clinton abused his presidential power by proffering false statements to Congress in his answers to the 81 questions that were asked of him last month during the Judiciary Committee's impeachment inquiry. On Thursday, the four articles of impeachment will be introduced, debated, and voted on by the 435 members of the House. If a majority of representatives endorses one or more of the articles, then Clinton will be tried in the Senate, wherein a two-thirds majority vote is required to remove the president from office. Political pundits believe that the imminent vote for impeachment is contingent upon the decisions of about two dozen moderate Republicans who are publicly undecided about the vote.
Clinton Accused, a special report provided by, is the best resource for locating information on the impeachment procedures. The site offers background information, posts the latest news, profiles nearly thirty key people in the "tangled web of accusations facing the president," presents several photo galleries, and provides full-text access to primary materials, including hearing transcripts and legal documents. In addition, users may search the Clinton Accused database, which contains all primary materials and a news archive. The President Under Fire is part of the Issue in Depth series in The New York Times on the Web. The site contains many of the features of Clinton Accused as well as many audio and video clips.'s Investigation of the President provides detailed congressional information regarding the impending impeachment, including multimedia coverage of recent events and an archive of key documents not provided by other news sources. For citizens "interested in developing a better understanding" of the legal processes dominating the news, JURIST: The Law Professors' Network has produced the Guide to Impeachment and Censure Materials Online. This comprehensive guide links users to online resources divided into ten sections: Impeachment Primers, Constitutional and Statutory Provisions on Impeachment, Impeachments in History, Impeachment Procedures, Cases on Impeachment, Censure, Clinton Controversy, Academic Opinion, Public Opinion, and Further Reading. PBS's Online NewsHour publishes political analysis and commentary at The Impeachment Debate Website. National Public Radio will broadcast live audio coverage of the forthcoming impeachment proceedings and post online reports at a special site, Impeachment Inquiry of President Bill Clinton. Impeachment Inquiry, a site of the Committee on the Judiciary of the US House of Representatives, provides official reports, statements, and resolutions released by the committee. [AO]
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