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The Institute for Higher Education Policy [.pdf]
"The Institute for Higher Education Policy (IHEP) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization whose mission is to foster access to and quality in postsecondary education." The Institute's Website offers the fruit of these efforts in the form of policy research and analysis that includes "database modeling, legislative and regulatory review, comprehensive issue analyses, and identification of best practices from primary field research and literature reviews." The site posts dozens of reports, articles, and studies on systems of financing in higher education, accountability and effectiveness, new teaching and learning strategies, and institutional response to social and economic change. Abstracts are offered of these documents as well as full texts in .pdf. Also included here are reports and press releases relevant to two ongoing research projects the IHEP is involved with: the New Millennium Project On Higher Education Costs, Pricing, And Productivity; and the Alliance for Equity in Higher Education -- a collaborative program of the Institute which "promotes greater cooperation among colleges and universities that serve large numbers of students of color." [DC]
[Back to Contents]The University of California Press: Electronic Editions
The University of California (UC) presents electronic editions of over 50 academic titles in the fields of African, Middle Eastern, and South Asian studies; Classics; Literature; and European History. The editions offer frames that include the text itself and a detailed table of contents. The texts are available free for online browsing and study, but, of course, cannot be downloaded. Those who want their own copies can purchase them online (click on "View UC Press Catalog Page" under the desired text's title). "UC Press E-Editions is a joint effort between The University of California Press and The University of California Library at Berkeley, and has received substantial support from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation." [DC]
[Back to Contents]Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau [.pdf]
The Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau, the official publications organ for the Wisconsin Legislature, posts on this site the last two versions (1997-1998 and 1999-2000) of the Wisconsin Blue Book, the 1,000 page comprehensive guide to all three branches of Wisconsin government and the state's Constitution. In addition to the Blue Book, the Bureau publishes research briefs and informational bulletins on issues currently pending before the legislature as well as budget briefs, legislative briefs (giving two page summaries of individual bills), and annotated bibliographies on selected issues. The site links to the homepage of the Wisconsin State Legislature.
[Back to Contents]"Learning With a Byte in the Wild, Wild West:" Abstracts, Presentations and Contact Information from the 13th Annual Management Information Systems Conference (MIS 2000) [.zip]
This Website features materials from the 13th Annual Management Information Systems Conference that was held in late February and early March of this year. The conference involved federal, state and local professionals in Management Information Systems and focused on the field's latest developments. The site offers over sixty citations pertaining to issues in web-facilitated education and librarianship. All the citations give abstracts of presentations and information on contacting presenters while a sizable minority include the full text of presentations and/or links to Websites demonstrated in the presentations. [DC]
[Back to Contents]National Research Council (NRC): Tests and Teaching Quality
The National Academy Press has made available the first interim report of the NRC's Committee on Assessment and Teacher Quality. This report reaches five conclusions about the current efforts of many states to test teachers as part of their licensing requirements. In general, the report finds these test minimally effective in assessing or predicting a teacher's success in the classroom. Moreover, the report concludes that the different constructions of different states' tests makes comparative assessment impractical and that many of the 41 states that use licensing tests often waive them to fulfill immediate vacancies. The online text can be browsed or searched. The Committee has a twenty-month mandate and further reports will be forthcoming. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Metadata For Digital Preservation: The Cedars Outline Specification [.pdf, postscript]
The Cedars Project, a Higher Education initiative funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee, based at Oxford, Cambridge, and the University of Leeds, has posted online its "outline specification for metadata to ensure long-term preservation for digital materials." The 33-page .pdf document details the Project's approach to preserving data as part of the Cedars Demonstrator Project and serves "to contribute on a strategic level to the international collaborative development of a standard specification for digital preservation metadata." This draft version has been made available for public commentary; the final version is due out this summer. [DC]
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Harpweek: The 19th Century World
Harpweek, "a privately funded project begun in 1992 to digitize the entire contents of the nineteenth-century, illustrated periodical Harper's Weekly" (see the March 31, 2000 Scout Report) offers a number of free Websites archiving materials from Harper's Weekly on specific historical topics of the nineteenth century. In addition to the materials on Black America, reviewed in the Scout Report issue cited above, there are collections on the impeachment of Andrew Johnson, Civil War literature, education, immigrant and ethnic America, the editorial cartoons of Thomas Nast, the American West, and 19th Century advertising. These free sites offer a wealth of primary documentation on their respective subjects, including, for example, over 200 article excerpts dealing with the Andrew Johnson and his impeachment drawn from 1865-1869 issues; examples of 19th-century advertisements for appliances, packaged goods, pest killers, insurance policies, and memorabilia; political cartoons of the famous editorial illustrator Thomas Nast; and much more. The sections are well organized and are introduced by contemporary scholarship. This is a superb source for both researchers and those planning to teach primary historical and cultural research to secondary and post-secondary students. Note: those who purchase a subscription to Harpweek will have access to numerous other 19th Century Harper's Weekly materials in addition to these. [DC]
[Back to Contents]I Hear America Singing [Quicktime, RealPlayer]
This companion website to the PBS Broadcast of "I Hear America Singing" presents great American baritone Thomas Hampson's thoughts on American song -- both its words and music. The site offers a timeline of American song composition, and charts its development through the major composers (such as Stephen Foster Collins, Samuel Barber, Charles Ives and others) as well as the significant cultural influences (such as religious hymns, work songs, American Transcendentalism, the Harlem Renaissance, and others). Hampson's approach is unusual in its emphasis on the significant status of the words in American song, and, accordingly, the site emphasizes collaborations between significant writers and composers, such as John Duke's settings of Edwin Arlington Robinson poetry or Samuel Barber's work with James Agee. For a companion site, the explanatory text is extensive, and while we would of course wish for even more music, the nine complete audio renditions of prominent American songs by Hampson and other great American vocalists are worth a visit all by themselves. The complete video of the special is also available for purchase. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Student Teacher Resource Center
This information-rich supersite features instructional materials on several historical topics relevant to Mexico. There are individual Websites here on the Aztec, Cortez, Porfirio Diaz, the Mexican Revolution, and the French Intervention, 1861-1867. These sites provide timelines, biographies, illustrations, historical narrative, and cultural background as well as annotated reviews of other sources and a wealth of Internet links on relevant subtopics. The Mexican Revolution site, for example, gives a highly detailed timeline of the events of the revolution; brief biographies of dozens of prominent figures-including the Mexican Presidents of the revolution; excerpts from historical texts on the causes of the revolution and other related topics (as well as links to other Websites on the Revolution), and a bibliography of scholarly texts. Each of the other sites boasts similar or more extensive offerings. The site is authored by Thomas Frederiksen who has worked in the creation of K-12 software since 1985. [DC]
[Back to Contents]The Jewish History Resource Center, Dinur Center Hebrew University
This Website from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem serves primarily as a fine gateway on Jewish History resources. Topics covered include biblical history, the Second Temple and the Talmudic Era, the Holocaust, Archaeology, Zionism and the State of Israel, American Jewish History, and Women's Studies, among others. Also available on-site are a listing of Hebrew University Dissertations; a conference calendar; annotated directories of relevant archives, libraries, and databases; numerous bibliographies indexed by historical topics, and much more. The site is frequently updated and easily navigated. [DC]
[Back to Contents]New Media Studies: Web Culture, Design, and Reviews a Go-Go
Yes, that subtitle is correct. Despite its author's obvious fondness for all things Sixties (there are pastel daisies on the homepage), this is an excellent site to consult for both creators and scholars of Internet culture. The site features reviews (with accompanying links) of Websites and books devoted to Internet culture, economics, and design. The site's creator -- David Gauntlett, Lecturer at the Institute of Communication Studies, University of Leeds -- also posts a Debates section that offers text and links to represent both sides of questions such as "Did Microsoft Ruin the Internet?" and "Is the Internet a Killer?" There's more, but I will just point out one last item: the site's link to Gauntlett's other Internet brainchild, {www.theory.org.uk}, which features a Resources and Reviews section providing essays, bibliographies, and some annotated links on major figures and topics in communication studies, from Judith Butler, Michel Foucault and Antonio Gramsci to Queer Theory, Web culture, and "media effects." [DC]
[Back to Contents]Free-Market.Net: The Freedom Network
Created and maintained by the Henry Hazlitt Foundation, a libertarian think-tank, this site is devoted to the advancement of libertarian philosophy and its analysis of current affairs. The site "maintains a database of more than 5,000 freedom-related news stories, policy analyses, books, e-texts, job openings, activist opportunities, events, and other resources." From campaign finance to gay marriages and from independent juries to the arguments against socialized medicine, the topics covered and positions taken here remind us of the broad swath libertarians cut across our usual left/right political distinctions. Both defenders and critics of libertarianism should find this site very useful. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Meeting God: Elements of Hindu Devotion
This companion site to the text Meeting God: Elements of Hindu Devotion by Stephen P. Huyler--an art historian, cultural anthropologist, and photographer--presents images, photographs, and accompanying text concerning Hindu worship. Sections are included on morning prayers, household worship, Hindu community, Hindu temples, ephemeral shrines, processionals, vows and healing, and old age and renunciation. The photographs are often visually stunning and the accompanying text is to-the-point and informative. The site is maintained by the Huntington Archive of Buddhist and Related Art at Ohio State University. [DC]
[Back to Contents]The Glenn Gould Archive [Realplayer]
The National Library of Canada hosts this collection of materials related to the eccentric, but brilliant Toronto-born concert pianist Glenn Gould. The Library has posted audio archival tapes of Gould in recording sessions and playing at home, two searchable databases of its voluminous collection of his papers (only the catalog entries are available here), two chronologies, a Gould bibliography, lists of films, videos and radio broadcasts made by and about Gould as well as selections of writings by and about Gould. There is a good bit of Gouldiana here that will interest only Gould fanatics or biographers, but the site also includes such valuable items as Gould's essay on "The Prospects of Recording" -- his manifesto declaring the superiority of recorded performances to live ones-and the self-referential "Glenn Gould Interviews Glenn Gould about Glenn Gould." [DC]
[Back to Contents]Speechtips.com
This Website provides instructions on planning, writing, and delivering a speech. While the instructions are a basic summary of the sort of advice covered in any high school or college speech class, they will serve as a useful refresher to anyone who needs to make a speech and doesn't have their old Speech 101 textbook handy. The site also promises that samples of eulogies; graduation speeches; best man, father of the bride, and bridegroom speeches; awards speeches, and retirement speeches will be posted soon. [DC]
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Data and Program Library Service (UW-Madison): The Survey of Economic Expectations -- Waves 1-8 [Paper: .pdf, WordPerfect; Data: UNIX tar.z or DOS self-extracting .exe files]
The Data and Program Library Service at the University of Wisconsin (see the March 14, 1997 Scout Report) has posted data from the University Survey Center's Survey of Economic Expectations (SEE). The survey, involving 5,423 interviews conducted in eight waves, "examines how Americans in the labor force perceive their near-term economic future." The data, online codebook, and a research paper accompanying this data ("Worker Perceptions of Job Insecurity in the Mid-1990s: Evidence from the Survey of Economic Expectations") are all available at the above URL. For Data downloads, free registration is required. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Rental Housing Assistance -- The Worsening Crisis: A Report to Congress on Worst Case Housing Needs
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released at the end of March a report to Congress on what it terms "the worsening crisis" in affordable rental housing. Surprisingly, in a period of unparalleled economic growth, the housing affordability crisis facing very-low-income renters continues to deepen as a record high 5.4 million renter households are "experiencing worst case needs for housing assistance." The number of available units is down while the number of working families and minority families affected is up. The report includes 28 "exhibits" (charts, graphs, and accompanying analysis) documenting the data as well as the text of the report itself, which offers an introduction, findings, policy implicationsand four appendices of data and analysis. [DC]
[Back to Contents]UNESCO Online Photobank
"UNESCO now offers full access online to its collection of photographs and slides covering a wide range of subjects related to the organization's fields of competence: education, science, culture and communication." The collection contains more than 10,000 images and may be searched by region, country, city, theme, subject, keyword, and photographer. Results are returned in thumbnail versions that can be clicked to enlarge. Plans are in the works to allow users to obtain reproduction rights online, but current users must contact UNESCO for reproduction permission. [DC]
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(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the The Scout Report for Social Sciences Current Awareness Metapage: http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/report/socsci/metapage/).Bardasi, Elena, Stephen P. Jenkins and John A. Rigg. "Documentation for Derived Current and Annual Net Household Income Variables, BHPS Waves 1-7" -- Institute for Social and Economic Research: Working Paper 99-25
Full text [.pdf]:
http://www.irc.essex.ac.uk/pubs/workpaps/pdf/99-25.pdfBooth, Alison L. and Marco Francesconi "Job Mobility in 1990s
Britain: Does Gender Matter?" -- Institute for Social and Economic Research: Working Paper 99-26
Full text [.pdf]:
http://www.irc.essex.ac.uk/pubs/workpaps/pdf/99-26.pdfClifford, Sadie. "The Daily Express' Reporting of Suffragette Crime 1913" -- Sheffield Online Papers in Social Research
Full text:
http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/uni/academic/R-Z/socst/Shop/Clifford.htmFiddler, Christine. "Citizenship and the Euro: Perceptions And
Attitudes To The Process Of Socio-Economic Integration between 1992 and 2002" -- Sheffield Online Papers in Social Research
Full text:
http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/uni/academic/R-Z/socst/Shop/Fiddler.htmRichardson, John E. "'Now is the time to put an end to all this.' Argumentative Discourse Theory and Letters to the Editor -- Sheffield Online Papers in Social Research
Full Text:
http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/uni/academic/R-Z/socst/Shop/Richardson.htmSmith, Joanne Lomax. "Planning for a Successful Project" -- Higher Education Digitisation Service (HEDS) Papers [.pdf]
http://heds.herts.ac.uk/HEDCinfo/Papers/HEDSITForum.pdfThomas, Martin Lloyd. "Postmodernisation And The Formation of A Postmodern Political Disposition" -- Sheffield Online Papers in Social Research
Full text:
[Back to Contents]New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs
Brookings Institute:
Fishman, Robert. "The Death and Life of American Regional Planning" - (Essay #4 from Reflections on Regionalism Edited by Bruce Katz) [.pdf]
http://www.brookings.edu/es/urban/reflections/essay4.pdfCenter on Budget and Policy Priorities:
Lav, Iris J. et al. "Tax Foundation Figures Result in Inaccurate Impressions of Middle Class Tax Burdens"
Lav, Iris J. "Taxes on Middle-Income Families Are Declining"
http://www.cbpp.org/4-10-00tax.htmCenter for Law and Social Policy:
Roberts, Paula. "Overview Of The Work Of The Medical Child Support Working Group And It's Recommendations To Congress"
Turetsky, Vicki "Realistic Child Support Policies For Low Income Fathers" -- Kellogg Devolution Initiative Paper
http://www.clasp.org/pubs/childenforce/kellogg.htmProgressive Policy Institute:
Atkinson, Robert D. and Jacob Ulevich. "Digital Government: The Next Step to Reengineering the Federal Government" [.pdf]
Intro and Excerpts:
full text [.pdf]:
Bates, Jenny. "International Trade and Labor Standards" (Policy Report)
Swift, Byron. "How Environmental Laws Can Discourage Pollution Prevention: Case Studies of Barriers to Innovation" (Policy Report)
Http://www.dlcppi.org/texts/commerce/Envirlaw.htmRAND--Issue Papers: McNaugher, Thomas, David Johnson, and Jerry Sollinger. "Agility by a Different Measure: Creating a More Flexible U.S. Army"
Jones, Gregory S. "From Testing to Deploying Nuclear Forces: The Hard Choices Facing India and Pakistan"
Rand Research Highlights: "Extending Health Care Insurance to Specific Populations"
"Partners in Care--Hope for Those Who Struggle with Hope"
[Back to Contents]New Offerings from Academic Publishers
Association of American University Presses: New Releases
http://aaup.uchicago.edu/new_releases/Michigan State University Press Online--New Releases
http://www.msu.edu/unit/msupress/newrel/newrlst.htmlUniversity of Chicago Press--Recent and Forthcoming Books
http://www.press.uchicago.edu/News/newbooks.htmlBasic Books: New Releases
http://www.basicbooks.com/newreleases.htmlThela Thesis--Just Published
http://www.thelathesis.nl/new.htmlPerseus Publishing--Book News (click on category)
[Back to Contents]Electronic Publishing In The Third Millennium
August 17-19, 2000
Kaliningrad State University
Kaliningrad/Svetlogorsk, Russia
http://www.albertina.ru/elpub2000/The 11th Federal Forecasters' Conference (FFC/2000) -- Forecasts, Policy, and the Internet
September, 14, 2000
Bureau of Labor Statistics Conference and Training Center
2 Massachusetts Avenue, NE
Washington, DC
http://nces.ed.gov/conferences/confinfo.asp?confid=5Social Science History Association Education Network 2001 Annual Meeting Call
Nov. 15-18, 2001 [Deadline has passed for 2000 conference proposals]
Chicago, IL
[Back to Contents]New Tables of Content/Abstracts
M/C: A Journal of Media and Culture (Full text)
Volume 3 Issue 1
http://english.uq.edu.au/mc/indexmain.htmlThe Heroic Age: A Journal of Early Medieval Northwestern Europe
Issue 2 (Autumn/Winter 1999)
http://www.mun.ca/mst/heroicage/issues/2/ha2toc.htmThe Journal of Human Resources (table of contents)
Volume 35 Issue 1 (Winter 2000)
http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/jhr/toc2000.htmlThe Cal Poly Pomona Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (Full text) [.pdf]
Volume 12 (Fall 1999)
http://www.csupomona.edu/~jis/1999/contents.htmlEuropean Journal of Social Work (Full text)
Volume 3 Issue 1 (March 2000)
[Back to Contents]H-Net Job Guide
http://www.matrix.msu.edu/jobs/Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
http://jobs.chronicle.com/free/jobs/faculty/humanities/links.htmSocial Science
http://jobs.chronicle.com/free/jobs/faculty/sscience/links.htmAcademic Employment Network (By State)
http://www.academploy.com/jobs.cfmAmerican College Personnel Association: ACPA Ongoing Placement Listings
http://www.acpa.nche.edu/placemnt/placemnt.htmAcademic 360.com (Update of "Jobs in Higher Education" site)
[Back to Contents]
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Zimbabwe Land Crisis Turns Violent
1. Yahoo! News: "White Farmers Refuse To Return" (AP)
2. The New York Times: "Zimbabwe's Leader Reverses Call for Squatters to Leave"
3. BBC News: Zimbabwe on the Brink
4. Overseas Development Institute: "Land Reform: New Seeds On Old Ground?"
5. CIA World Factbook: Zimbabwe
6. Electronic Mail & Guardian: "The Case for Redistributing Zimbabwe's Land"
7. Oxfam: "Rural development through redistribution"
This weekend the land crisis in Zimbabwe was marked by violence as one white farmer was killed and two members of the country's opposition party were the victims of a firebombing. In the past week, Zimbabwe veterans of the country's war for independence began occupying prime farmland owned exclusively by whites. These squatters have demanded that land redistribution promised for years by President Mugabe's government be enacted immediately. Mugabe himself, with an eye on upcoming elections in May, has supported the squatters, warning white farmers that he cannot protect them if they "provoke the war veterans." Early Monday, perhaps in response to international pressure, Mugabe modified his position somewhat, promising to maintain peace in the region, but stopping short of telling squatters to vacate the farms. Land reform has been a major issue in the country since it won its independence from Britain. Currently, about 4,500 white farmers own 11 million hectares of prime agricultural land while one million blacks divide 16 million hectares-typically in drought-prone areas. The political situation in the country also worsened with the firebombing death of two prominent members of the country's opposition party, Movement for Democratic Change (MDC). The killings were an ominous sign for the upcoming elections, especially since Mugabe did not condemn the attacks. Diplomats and observers are concerned that the elections next month may be marred by coercion, corruption, and violence. Not surprisingly, many whites in Zimbabwe have recently sought to reclaim their UK passports in possible preparation for fleeing the country.
Yahoo! News (1) posts an AP story detailing the latest developments, including the killing of a white farmer and two members of the opposition party. The New York Times(2) reports on Mugabe's continued support of the squatters. This BBC special report (3) covers the latest developments as well as providing background, analysis, first-person reports, and profiles of key figures. The Overseas Development Institute (4) provides a concise but thorough explanation of the different types of land reform and their incarnations in the Philippines, South Africa, Kenya, Zimbabwe, and the former Soviet Union. The CIA World Factbook (5) provides basic data about Zimbabwe's geography, politics, history, economics, people and military. In an opinion piece published by the Electronic Mail & Guardian(6) in 1997, a Zimbabwe analyst makes the case for land reform. Oxfam makes a case for land reform (7) as part of an integrated program to increase domestic productivity and alleviate indigenous poverty. [DC]
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