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Older Americans 2000: Key Indicators of Well-Being
Press Release:
.pdf Version (127 pages)
Last Thursday, the Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics, a consortium of US government agencies responsible for improving the quality and usefulness of data on older Americans, released their first major report, Older Americans 2000: Key Indicators of Well-Being. Presenting a comprehensive profile of this significant and burgeoning demographic, the report seeks "to present data in a nontechnical, user-friendly format." It features 31 indicators divided into five sections: Population, Economics, Health Status, Health Risks and Behaviors, and Health Care. True to its word, the report is readable, the graphics quickly comprehensible, and the lay-out in both HTML and .pdf formats well-organized. One interesting fact, among many, from the report is that there are now "an estimated 35 million people age 65 or older in the United States, accounting for almost 13 percent of the total population" -- an increase of more than ten-fold since the turn of the last century. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Reporting the Arts: News Coverage of Arts and Culture in America -- National Arts Journalism Program, Columbia University [.pdf]
Comprehensive Data (tables):
In what the National Arts Journalism Program at Columbia University calls "the first comprehensive study of how the arts are covered," Reporting the Arts: News Coverage of Arts and Culture in America analyzes fifteen dailies in ten cities, the three national papers -- The New York Times,The Wall Street Journal, and USA Today -- as well as the Associated Press and network television. The study includes quantitative data on the amount, type, and positioning of arts coverage in the targeted media as well as qualitative assessments offered by arts journalists in selected cities. The researchers set out to answer the question, "what kinds of messages about arts and culture . . . are mainstream news media sending their audiences?" Among the not-so-rosy findings: "Mechanically generated content, such as listings, constitutes close to 50% of arts and entertainment coverage," and the visual arts, architecture, dance, and radio receive only "cursory" attention. The site offers .pdf versions of each chapter of the report as well as HTML versions of fifteen tables of quantitative data. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Child Welfare Outcomes 1998: Annual Report
Released last week, this report is the first in a series of annual reports from the Department of Health and Human Services required by the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 (ASFA). The report "presents data on State performance in meeting the needs of children and families who come into contact with the child welfare system, focusing specifically on the "outcomes, or results, for these children." It also examines the condition of child welfare programs nationwide, presents data measuring outcomes, and offers findings and conclusions. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Internet Democracy Project
A joint initiative by the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation (ACLU), the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), and Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR), the Internet Democracy Project "seeks to enhance the participation of Internet users worldwide in non-governmental bodies that are setting Internet policy and to advocate that these bodies adhere to principles of open participation, public accountability and human rights." The Website features a well-annotated list of links that puts users in touch with both the pronouncements and documents of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), a not-for-profit corporation empowered by the US Department of Commerce to administer policy for the Internet domain name system. (For more on ICANN, see the August 8, 2000 Scout Report.) The site also connects users with reports, commentary, and advocacy organizations concerned with domain name access issues, and since July, it has published a weekly newsletter, The Cyber-Federalist, which keeps readers abreast of these issues, including those surrounding the upcoming elections for ICANN's board of directors. Visitors might also find of particular interest the GAO report available through this site that questions the authority of ICANN to "to create new top-level domains." While seemingly dry, if not abstruse, the issue of determining new top-level domain names directly engages with concerns about democracy and free speech as this Website amply demonstrates. The project is also supported by the Georgia Institute of Technology and funded by a grant from the Open Society Institute (OSI). [DC]
[Back to Contents]Cost Overdose: Growth in Drug Spending for the Elderly
Press Release:
.pdf version (24 pages):
Posted in July by Families USA (see the December 1, 1995 Scout Report), this report is billed as "the first study to both analyze the increase in prescription drug spending for the elderly from 1992 to 2000 and to project further increases over the next 10 years." The report gives data on average expenditures on prescription drugs for seniors, average number of prescriptions, average out-of-pocket costs, total expenditures on health care and prescription drugs for seniors, and more. Among the significant findings: "Annual spending on prescription drugs per elderly American will grow from $559 in 1992 to an estimated $1,205 in 2000, an increase of 116 percent." [DC]
[Back to Contents]The Digital Dilemma: Intellectual Property in the Information Age
This online edition of a book published by the National Academy of Sciences is an example of its subject matter as it explores the issue of intellectual property in a digital age. The book examines the question of what happens to copyright issues when innumerable numbers of people can download a book (or a song, e.g., through Napster) from one copy on the Web? (Apparently, the National Academy of Sciences is less concerned about this issue than is the book's author.) Chapter titles include "The Origin Of The Digital Dilemma," "Music: Intellectual Property's Canary In The Digital Coal Mine," "Public Access To The Intellectual, Cultural, And Social Record," and "Individual Behavior, Private Use And Fair Use, And The System For Copyright." The text also considers issues in the emerging field of digital copyright and offers conclusions and recommendations vis-a-vis these issues. [DC]
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MoMA2000 [Flash]
This exciting online exhibition from the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) traces the history of its subject from 1880 to the present in three separate installments. The first, Modernstarts, was posted last Fall and offers essays and selected images on the changes in the representation of people, places, and things as nineteenth-century Edwardianism gave way to the experimental caprice of Modernism. The three sections of this first exhibit offer commentary and representative images on changes in the figuration of the human body in sculpture, painting, and photography; the shifts in the design and ontology of objects, both everyday and "artistic"; and the mutations in the visual representation of the traditional opposition between country and city. The second installment, Making Choices, focuses "on the years between 1920 and 1960, a period of social and political turmoil and spirited artistic debate." Exhibition titles for this installment include "Art is Arp," "The Raw and the Cooked," "The Marriage of Reason and Squalor," "Anatomically Incorrect," "Walker Evans and Company," and "Paris Salon." The text of both exhibits is unfailingly engaging, but Modernstarts offers a larger supplement of images. The final installment of MoMA 2000, Open Ends, is scheduled to come online this Fall. Once completed, the exhibition is sure to be one of the most useful and informative introductions to Modern Art available anywhere outside of the museum itself. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Eyewitness Encyclopedia
Eyewitness Encyclopedia brings together and places online 100 volumes of Dorling Kindersley's series, Eyewitness Guides. The educational volumes may be browsed alphabetically by subject matter and searched by keyword, with options to restrict searches to subject area or volume title. Offering over 40,000 pictures and 2 million words, the Encyclopedia's main subject areas are History, Nature, Art, Science, Geography, Sports, and Hobbies. The volume titles are varied and interesting, covering such topics as Writing, Birds, Ancient Egypt, Africa, Amphibians, Manet, Mammals, Ocean, Pirates, Sharks, Space, Volcanoes, and Whales. Clicking on a particular volume links to its table of contents, which in turn allows users to go to individual pages artfully arranged with text and numerous graphics. Unfortunately, the resolution (on most monitors) isn't sharp enough for suitable viewing without clicking on individual text and images. Nonetheless, this is a wonderful addition to the learning resources for primary and early secondary schooling offered on the Web. [DC]
[Note: Resource(s)/URL(s) mentioned above is no longer available.]
[Back to Contents]Virtual Uffizi: the Complete Catalog
This Website from Arca.net, a network of Websites offering information about the art culture and business of Florence and Tuscany, features a catalog of 505 descriptions and approximately 400 images from the real Uffizi gallery in Florence. Each image is accompanied with catalog information giving artist, period, title, medium, and brief notes. The images may be browsed via an artists and a rooms index (though there is some overlap here), and searched by author, title, or type of media. Information about visiting the gallery in Florence is also provided. The images are one size only, filling the page's main frame. Consequently, some works cannot be viewed all at once but must be scrolled to view the complete image. Nonetheless, a site with this many famous Florentine works in one place on the Web is worth a visit. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Virtual Seminars for Teaching Literature [RealPlayer, QuickTime]
This award-winning site from the Humanities Computing Unit at Oxford University uses online postings of original manuscripts and other documents of World War I poets to teach critical reading skills. The site is organized around four online seminars: an introduction to World War I poetry, Isaac Rosenberg's "Break of Day in the Trenches," Manuscript studies, and An Introduction to Text Analysis. Among the primary documents available at this Website are all of Wilfred Owen's war poetry manuscripts; interviews with war veterans; photographs; letters; video clips; a complete run of The Hydra, the Journal of the Patients at the Craglockhart War Hospital; propaganda pamphlets; forces's newspapers; postcards; and more. An annotated directory of other World War I and poetry links is also posted. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Teaching Heritage -- Office of the Board of Studies, New South Wales
Subtitled "a professional development Website for teachers," Teaching Heritage is an impressive collection of information and resources for teaching Australian history and culture. There are eight main sections to the site: four offer teaching resources and four provide teaching units. The resource sections include an examination of different ways of defining heritage, an Australian heritage timeline, discussions of different approaches to teaching heritage through media, and outcomes-based approaches in teaching and assessing heritage coursework. The teaching units deal in depth with issues of citizenship, nationalism, Australian identities, and new cultural values. A Heritage Gallery features images of various culturally significant or representative places in Australia, such as New Italy, the Dundullimal Homestead, Australian Hall, Kelly's Bush, and many more. Obviously, teachers of Civics on the southern continent will find this site extremely useful, but the teaching units -- rich with texts and images -- also offer fascinating introductions for anyone interested in the issues of Australian nation-making. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Minnesota State University E-Museum [RealPlayer, MP3]
This extensive Website from Minnesota State University offers online exhibits in the fields of history, biology, cultures, prehistory, and archaeology. To give one an idea of the breadth of the exhibits, there are fourteen listed in History alone, including exhibits on China, Greece, Egypt, Anglo-Saxon England, cultures of Minnesota, Medieval Europe, and Vikings in America. The exhibits are varied in layout and content, but they generally contain substantial content in both hypertext and images. The exhibits can be browsed by the subjects listed above or via their position in the E-museum's floor plan. Of course, there is a marked emphasis on Minnesota and topics relevant to Minnesota here, which makes it an excellent Website for teachers in the land of 10,000 lakes to use for resources and ideas. [DC]
[Back to Contents]TeacherWeb
Just in time for back-to-school, this new Website gives teachers a free service for posting their own classroom Webpage quickly and easily. The format is standardized (except for some color scheme choices which teachers are free to specify), and the Website created is basic, but functional. The sample site has sections posting homework, announcements, a calendar, a brief teacher biography, links, and frequently asked questions. Teachers can sign up and set up a site in about five minutes, and updating information, especially homework and links, is even easier. For teachers who just want to get their own and their class's feet wet on the Web, this is the place to go. At the very least, it would allow students one more way to access their teacher's announcements and assignments from the library or from home. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Survival Guide for new Teachers [.pdf]
.pdf version:
In keeping with the back-to-school theme, the Department of Education offers this new Survival Guide for New Teachers. Put together by award-winning teachers at a teaching conference in 1997, this guide confronts the challenges of being a new teacher in a frank and helpful manner. The e-book includes "A Message to New Teachers" and sections on working with parents, working with veteran teachers, working with Principals, as well as a "help desk" offering resources for first-year teachers and a conclusion that advocates more support and orientation for new teachers. The document is also available in .pdf format. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Daily Grammar
Authored by Bill Johanson, a veteran English teacher of junior high and high school students, this Website offers students the opportunity to take their daily dose of grammar electronically. On the site, visitors can sign up for a free email service that sends five grammar lessons a week -- one for each day -- and a sixth one that offers a quiz on the week's lessons. The next scheduled run of the 300 lessons on the standard topics of traditional grammar -- parts of speech, tense, sentence structure, adjectives and adverbs, complex sentence structure, etc. -- begins September 1. Students can sign up now for this cycle (another cycle will begin on January 1, 2001), or they can simply go at their own pace using the complete archive of the lessons posted on-site. Daily Grammar is offered by Word Place, Inc., a purveyor of word processing software and supplemental aids to electronic written communication. [DC]
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Births: Preliminary Data for 1999 [.pdf, 24 pages]
Press release:
On Tuesday, the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) released preliminary data on US births, including numbers that show the birth rate for teen mothers has declined to a 60-year low. "The preliminary report also found a drop in the number of births to unmarried teens, record high levels of women receiving early prenatal care, a rise in the cesarean delivery rate, and no improvement in the percent of infants born at low birthweight." In additional to aggregate national numbers for birth rates and newborn health conditions, the report breaks down the data by state, race, and age. A press release is offered at the NCHS Website with a link to the full report in .pdf. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Intimate Partner Violence -- Bureau of Justice Statistics [ASC II]:
Spreadsheets [.zip]
.pdf format (11 pages):
Released earlier this summer, this report on intimate partner violence from the Bureau of Justice Statistics "provides information on violence by intimates (current or former spouses, girlfriends, or boyfriends) since the redesign of the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)." "The report covers trends in intimate violence, characteristics of victims (race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, and whether the victims live in urban, suburban, or rural areas), type of crime (physical assault, verbal threats), and trends for reporting to police. Intimate victimizations measured include rape, sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, and simple assault. Data on murder by intimates are also given." Data for the report came from the NCVS and the FBI's Supplementary Homicide Reports. [DC]
[Back to Contents]Projections of the Voting-Age Population for States, November 2000 -- US Census [.pdf]
Press Release:
Tables [.pdf]:
Voting and Registration Data from 1994, 1996, and 1998 Elections [.pdf]
On July 31st, the Census Bureau released its projections for the voting-age population of the United States come this November. The projections show that "the number of residents old enough to vote in November is projected to increase to 206 million -- 9 million more than in the last presidential election in 1996 (a 5 percent increase)" and that "women could represent 52 percent of the voting-age population in November, outnumbering men by 8 million." California, Texas, and Florida are expected to witness the largest numerical increases, with each state gaining, respectively, 2 million, 1 million, and 700,000 voting-age residents since the last presidential election. The voting-age population consists of both citizens and non-citizens, with approximately 93 percent of this population currently eligible to vote. For comparison, Census data on voting and registration in the 1994, 1996, and 1998 national elections is also available from the Census Bureau's Voting and Registration Data -- Historical Time Series Tables (see the November 18, 1997 Scout Report) [DC]
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(For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the The Scout Report for Social Sciences Current Awareness Metapage: http://scout.cs.wisc.edu/report/socsci/metapage/).Center for the Study of Technology and Society
As issues about Internet surveillance and online copyright infringement as well as questions of human cloning and genetically-engineered foods increasingly feature in our national headlines, a Website such as the Washington-based Center for the Study of Technology and Society is a valuable resource for staying informed. The Website features sections entitled Government and Politics, Biotechnology, Special Focus on Who Watches the Web, National Security, Personal Security, Creativity, Convergence (defined as "the intersection of communication, computers, the Internet, invisible computing and television"), and more. These sections offer a wealth of annotated links to statistics, news, and commentary from publications, institutions, and advocacy organizations on the Internet, as well as statements by the Center's staff. The Center is a nonprofit think tank whose mission is "to emphasize and clarify the point that advances in technology are neither inherently good nor inherently evil - but that every new technology has the potential to cause problems, and the capacity to solve problems." [DC]
[Back to Contents]Brady, Henry et al. "The Interaction of Welfare - Use and Employment Dynamics In Rural and Agricultural California Counties" -- Joint Center for Poverty Research [.pdf, 59 pages]:
http://www.jcpr.org/wp/WPprofile.cfm?ID=209De Jonge Oudraat, Chantal. "Intervention in Internal Conflicts: Legal and Political Conundrums" -- Carnegie Endowment for International Peace [.pdf, 25 pages]:
http://beta.ceip.org/files/Publications/wp15.asp?from=pubtypeEwert, Ulf Christian and Alexia Prskawetz. "Private car use in Austria by demographic structure and regional variations" -- Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research [.pdf, 21 pages]
http://www.demogr.mpg.de/Papers/Working/wp-2000-006.pdfGoerge, Robert M. and Bong Joo Lee. "Changes in Child Social Program Participation in the 1990s: Initial Findings from Illinois" -- Joint Center for Poverty Research [.pdf, 21 pages - cannot be cited, comments welcome]
http://www.jcpr.org/wp/WPprofile.cfm?ID=207Howell, Frank. "Prospects for 'Job Matching' in the Welfare-to-Work Transition: Labor Market Capacity for Sustaining the Absorption of Mississippi's TANF Recipients" -- Joint Center for Poverty Research [.pdf, 21 pages]:
http://www.jcpr.org/wp/WPprofile.cfm?ID=216Raphael, Stephen and Michael A. Stoll. "Can Boosting Minority Car-Ownership Rates Narrow Inter-Racial Employment Gaps" -- Joint Center for Poverty Research [.pdf, 38 pages]:
http://www.jcpr.org/wp/WPprofile.cfm?ID=208Steinberg, Laurence. "Should Juvenile Offenders be Tried as Adults? A Developmental Perspective on Changing Legal Policies" -- Joint Center for Poverty Research [.pdf, 9 pages]
[Back to Contents]New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace:
Drake, William J. "The Rise and Decline of the International Telecommunications Regime" [.pdf, 51 pages -- Prepublication Conference Version from Regulating the Global Information Society, ed. Christopher T. Marsden]
Giddens, Anthony. "The Great Globalization Debate" [Lecture June 15, 2000, Rapporteur's Report]
http://www.ceip.org/files/events/giddens.asp?p=5The Commonwealth Fund:
Schoen, Cathy et al. "Counting On Medicare: Perspectives And Concerns Of Americans Ages 50 To 70 -- Findings From The Commonwealth Fund 1999 Health Care Survey Of Adults Ages 50 To 70" [.pdf, 64 pages]
"Health Care At The Cutting Edge: The Role of Academic Health Centers
in the Provision of Specialty Care" -- A Report of The Commonwealth Fund Task Force on Academic Health Centers [.pdf, 52 pages]
Cassidy, Amanda and Marsha Gold. "Medicare+Choice In 2000: Will Enrollees Spend More and Receive Less?"
http://www.cmwf.org/programs/medfutur/cassidy_choice_394.aspFernand Braudel Institute of World Economics [Braudel Paper No. 25]:
Manso, Bruno Paes. "Homicides in Greater Sao Paulo"
Da Silva Filho, Jose Vicente. "Homicides: What can the police do?"
Anemone, Louis. "Controlling Illegal Firearms"
http://www.braudel.org.br/paping25a.htmForeign Policy in Focus: Internet Gateway to Global Affairs:
Doyle, Kate. "In Focus: U.S. Secrecy and Lies" [Volume 5, Number 24, August 2000 of _Foreign Policy in Focus_]
http://www.foreignpolicy-infocus.org/briefs/vol5/v5n24secrets.htmlThe World Bank:
Knack, Stephen. "Aid Dependence and the Quality of Governance:
A Cross-Country Empirical Analysis" [.pdf, 38 pages]:
[Back to Contents]New Offerings from Academic Publishers
Association of American University Presses: New Releases
http://aaup.uchicago.edu/new_releases/Michigan State University Press Online -- New Releases
http://www.msu.edu/unit/msupress/newrel/newrlst.htmlCambridge University Press
http://www.cup.org/books/hot.htmlBasic Books: New Releases
http://www.basicbooks.com/newreleases.htmlThela Thesis -- Just Published
http://www.thelathesis.nl/new.htmlPerseus Publishing -- Book News (click on category)
[Back to Contents]Southeast Conference for Asian Studies -- 40th Annual Meeting
January 12-14, 2001
Florida State University
Tallahassee, Florida
http://www.lib.duke.edu/reference/kenb/sec-main.htmAnnual Meeting of the American Association for History and Computing: Moving Clio into the New Millennium: Interaction, Visualization, Digitization, and Collaboration
February 1-3, 2001
Indiana Convention Center and Indiana Historical Society
Indianapolis, Indiana
http://www.theaahc.org/annual.htmThe Thirty-eighth Annual North American Invitational Model United Nations
February 15-18, 2001
Washington, DC
http://www.modelun.org/naimun/index.html2001 International Studies Association Annual Convention: International Relations and the New Inequality: Power, Wealth, and the Transformation of Global Society at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century
February 20-24, 2001
Chicago, Illinois
[Back to Contents]New Tables of Contents/ Abstracts
JSTOR Update:
Demography (moving wall reduced from five to two years)
Coverage: Vols. 1-34, 1964-1997
Current Anthropology (Fixed Wall: JSTOR coverage of this title presently ends with Vol. 40)
Vols. 1-40 (Issue 4), 1959-1999
http://www.jstor.org/journals/00113204.htmlBehavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy (table of contents and abstracts)
Volume 28, Issue 3 (July 2000)
http://www.journals.cup.org/owa_dba/owa/ISSUES_IN_JOURNAL?JID=BCPApplied Psycholinguistics
Volume 21, Issue 2 (June 2000)
http://www.journals.cup.org/owa_dba/owa/approval?sjid=APS&svid=21&siid=2&spii=S0142716400002010The Historical Journal
Volume 43, Issue 2 (June 2000)
http://www.journals.cup.org/owa_dba/owa/ISSUES_IN_JOURNAL?JID=HISThe Journal of African History
Volume 41, Issue 2 (July 2000)
[Back to Contents]H-Net Job Guide
http://www.matrix.msu.edu/jobs/The Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science
http://jobs.chronicle.com/free/jobs/faculty/sscience/links.htmAcademic Employment Network (By State)
http://www.academploy.com/jobs.cfmAmerican College Personnel Association: ACPA Ongoing Placement Listings
http://www.acpa.nche.edu/placemnt/placemnt.htmAcademic 360.com (Update of "Jobs in Higher Education" site)
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Gore's Bounce
1) BBC News: "Gore rides poll boost"
2) USA Today: "Poll shows Gore 1 point ahead"
3) Voter.com: "Gore Edges Ahead in New Reuters/Zogby Poll"
4) Time: "I Do Not Consider Myself to Be a Natural Politician" (Interview with Al Gore)
5) C-SPAN: Campaign 2000
6) Slate: Daryl Cagle's Professional Cartoonist Index: Campaign 2000
7) The Center for Voting and Democracy
8) Leonard's Digest-News and Views: Third Party Watch
Polls conducted over the weekend show that presidential candidate Al Gore gained ground on his Republican rival George W. Bush, Jr. moving into what is now seen as a statistical dead heat after having trailed the Texas governor since late Spring, sometimes by as much as eighteen points. In the wake of the Democratic convention, Gallup, Reuters, and Newsweek polls all gave Gore a slight lead (between one and five percentage points), though when "likely voters" were polled, all results were within the three-point margin of error. Democrats had been counting on the post-Convention "bounce" in the polls that each party's presidential candidate typically receives to revive what many had seen as a flagging campaign. According to the polls, voters responded favorably both to Gore's selection of Senator Joseph Lieberman as his running mate and to his nationally televised acceptance speech on Thursday night. In fact, polling data showed Gore's "personal favorables" went up and that he re-established a lead over Bush among women and minority voters, at least temporarily. With the numbers likely to remain close through the summer, both campaigns will be keying on the Fall debates and attempting to gain the upper hand in battleground Midwestern states likely to determine the electoral college outcome.
BBC News (1) posts the results of the Newsweek poll and provides background on Gore's itinerary since the convention ended Thursday. USA Today(2) gives analysis and detailed results of a USA Today_/CNN/Gallup Poll over the weekend showing Gore with a one-point lead over Bush among likely voters. Voter.com (3) features analysis and results of the New Reuters/Zogby Poll which includes numbers for Nader and Buchanan as well as a breakdown of results by region, party affiliation, and gender. _Time magazine posted online last week an extended interview (4) with Gore to which the candidate, often thought of as "square" even for a politician, reportedly wore "gleaming black cowboy boots, black pants, and a black-and-white houndstooth jacket over a black polo shirt." C-SPAN's "online resource for politics" (5)- offers editorial drawings from nationwide cartoonists, including Mike Thompson's Democratic Convention Sketchbook and a collection of cartoons on the theme of Al Gore and Harry Potter. The Center for Voting and Democracy (7), founded by erstwhile Independent candidate for President John Anderson, provides research and advocacy on issues of redistricting, proportional representation, voting rights, and voter turnout. Leonard's Digest's Third Party Watch (8) contains copies of news stories, features, and opinion pieces from various journalism sources dealing with third party events and their candidates -- i.e., "the campaigns and the people the mainline media forgot." [DC]
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